Monday, December 16, 2019

Rough Draft Senior Paper Free Essays

Well a psychiatrist is a hygienic who attends their clients behavioral, emotional, and mental symptoms (Ferguson, 157). They help people in many different ways. Some people are prescribed medicine because they feel that just talking to someone isn’t helping and others can go talk to a psychiatrist and feel relieved like they don’t need anything more than to talk to someone about their problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Rough Draft Senior Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some psychiatric medications can be called psychotherapeutic or psychotropic medication (Mental, NP). Psychiatric medication wasn’t developed until the sass’s (Ferguson, 186). In days that are owe long forgotten, society stigmatize people with mental illnesses so much that they were kept chained up in asylums (Ferguson, 187). People also used to categorize people who were in prison and people with mental illnesses as the same thing. Until one day somebody brought up the fact that they didn’t think it was right. So then a few years later, they resulted in moving them to different sides of the hospital. Some people, taking meds, can function better. And they may only need to take them for a short amount of time (Mental, NP). Taking medication doesn’t always cure the disorder, but it helps to make the errors function better (Mental, NP). Patients trust is key, which takes time and patience (Mescaline, Margaret, 22). Not having their trust creates problems such as the patients aren’t being helped in any way because they can’t trust psychiatrists enough to talk to them, or the business might lose money because there are no clients that come because the psychiatrists can’t be trusted. To keep on track and up to date, psychiatrists need to be very organized because there is a bunch of paperwork that people have to fill out and deal with (Mescaline, Margaret, 25). Psychiatrists also need to have the ability to have emotional strength so when they find out that a child is sad or angry, it does not affect the psychiatrist (Mescaline, Margaret, 25). This also helps because they do not want to get attached to a child. So they have to stay emotional and physically distant from them, but closer enough to give them comfort and support. TO even become a psychiatrist, people need to have a college degree in Psychology, Sociology, or Social Work to become a child therapist (Mescaline, Margaret, 24). Also, must have a Master’s degree from an accredited college or university. People absolutely have to do their rouser work and they will need to have supervised practice with patients (Mescaline, Margaret, 25). Must have very good observing skills, because this allows them to understand what children will not tell them (Mescaline, Margaret, 24). Also have to be open-minded, and have to be able to adapt to different types of situations very quickly (Mescaline, Margaret, 24). Psychiatrists need to know what they are supposed to be doing, and they need to know how to do it. Psychiatrists can prescribe medicine (Ferguson, 187). As people might have thought a psychiatrist and a psychologist are the amen thing, but they aren’t. They are two totally different things. They work close to 52 hours a week, and remember that they are always on call (Ferguson, 192). Wow, that’s more hours than a full time job! When psychiatrists are meeting a client for the first time, they like to conduct an evaluation with the patient so they can find out more about them such as current situations as well as medical history (Ferguson, 187). When clients express their feelings, it helps to give the psychiatrist a detailed picture of what is going on, how people really feel, and how the psychiatrist should treat oh (Ferguson, 188) What some humans don’t realize is that there are different types of therapy to help out as well as medication, and talking to people. There is something called psychotherapy, which is when the patient is conjuring images while lying on a couch, the psychiatrist is taking copious notes at the same time (Ferguson, 187). Patient talks freely and relaxes. Therapist’s goal is to uncover troubling subconscious beliefs or conflicts and their causes. Dreams can also be broken down for clues about the unconscious mind. Subconscious events often lead to neurosis. Neurosis is an motional disorder in which the client displays anxious behavior (Ferguson, 188). There is also something called behavioral therapy, which is when the psychiatrists are teaching them to use relaxation to change their behavior. Psychiatrists could also use Biofeedback. This method uses electronic monitors that measure the effects that thoughts and feelings have on muscle tension, heart rate, and brain waves. This is done so that the patient can learn to control the body through stress reduction consciously (Ferguson, 188). Ever thought about what could be in these possibly harmful medications? Well scientists have done a few tests to see if psychiatric drugs are the safest to use. They have figured out that, some medications react differently with everyone. It all depends on how well people’s bodies take it. People react differently when taking these psychiatric medications (Mental, NP). Factors such as what type of mental disorder the person has, their age, sex, and body. Also the habits they might have, genetics, physical illness, how well their liver and kidney functions, and other medications they are taking can affect how these drugs work in different people (Mental, NP). There is a bad side to everything, just like the negative effects of taking psychiatric medicines. When taking these medicines the person’s weight, glucose levels and lipid levels need to be checked frequently (Mental, NP). Doctor’s do this to ensure that the person’s body hasn’t reacted in a bad way; they want to make sure this person stays healthy while taking psychiatric medications. Usually antispasmodics are pills, but can also be in the liquid form. The liquid form is referred to as a shot; this person would go get it about once or twice a month (Mental, NP). More overshadows of taking these are, some people could possibly get side effects (Mental, NP). These side effects do not usually last long, maybe a few days or so. People taking antispasmodics are at risk of getting side effects (Mental, NP). Side effects such as persistent muscle spasms, tremors, and restlessness may occur with a physical movement but not always (Mental, NP). If people are taking any other medications when they are taking antispasmodics, the two medications together could react badly (Mental, NP). Side effects that could possibly happen while taking monotheistic are drowsiness, dizziness when moving, blurry vision, tachycardia, sensitive to the sun, and rashes (Mental, NP). Taking antispasmodics may result in major weight gain, and possible changes in their metabolism (Mental, NP). People who experience this are recommended to not drive at all until they get situated with their antispasmodic medicine (Mental, NP). They tell you these things for the person’s safety and well-being. How to cite Rough Draft Senior Paper, Papers

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