Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral - 1832 Words

In Cathedral, by Raymond Carver, a blind man guides the narrator towards an epiphany: he needs to see situations and people in a deeper way, rather than just from a materialistic point of view. In the beginning of the story, the narrow-minded speaker is originally opposed to having the blind man, Robert, stay in his home. Because the narrator realizes that there is a nothingness in his life, he eventually grows to admire Robert’s ability to have faith in people, relationships, and the world even though he cannot see. When the narrator closes his eyes while the two men are drawing a cathedral, his spiritual growth in the story becomes apparent to the reader and to himself because he notices that by drawing with such passion, he has begun to†¦show more content†¦The narrator quickly falls out of the conversation; however, he highlights that even though he does not enjoy Robert’s presence, he does not want to be perceived as rude by him. He explains how every â₠¬Å"now and then [he] joined in [the conversation. He] didn’t want [Robert] to think [he’d] left the room.† By listening to the chatting between his wife and Robert, the narrator begins to think of Robert as a â€Å"blind jack-of-all-trades,† and he starts to feel jealous of the relationship that his wife and Robert share. The main reason behind the narrator’s resentment is due to his lack of a healthy relationship with his wife; the narrator even points out how he â€Å"waited in vain to hear [his] name on [his] wife’s sweet lips [during her conversation with Robert]...But [he] heard none of the sort.† The palpable tension between the couple along with the discomfort that Robert creates causes the narrator to feel out of place in his own home. Because the narrator has not attempted to learn more about Robert’s life and character, he does not realize how beneficial Robert’s stay will be for him. With feelings of jealousy and uncomfortableness building up inside, the narrator decides to â€Å"[get] up and [turn] on the TV,† as a sign of disregard to Robert’s blindness; however, Robert utilizes this action as a way to try and connect with the narrator. By responding to the narrator’s inconsiderate action in a positiveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral1696 Words   |  7 Pagesfrom, or trying to bury alive. Cathedral, written by Raymond Carver, takes place in the early 1980’s. Originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981. Carver slightly revised the story and re-released it in 1983. At a time when the blue collar working class lived paycheck to paycheck, working hard for newfound luxuries such as color television, this short story is humorous and eye-openin g for the reader. 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