Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Causes And Effects Of Alcoholism Essay Example For Students

Circumstances and end results Of Alcoholism Essay We Should Retain The Disease Concept OfAnalysis Essay:In We Should Retain the Disease Concept of Alcoholism, George E. Vaillantasserts that liquor abuse ought to be treated as an infection. I think the creator hasdone a powerful occupation in demonstrating his case by utilizing his very own experiencethat gives him position to make a contention in this issue and his utilization ofrhetoric. - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Copyright DueNow.com Inc. *Category:MiscellaneousPaper Title:Analysis EssayText:We Should Retain The Disease Concept Of Alcoholism Analysis EssayIn We Should Retain the Disease Concept of Alcoholism, George E. Vaillant attests that liquor addiction ought to be treated as a sickness. I think theauthor has worked admirably in demonstrating his case by utilizing his own personalexperience that gives him position to make a contention in this issue and hisuse of talk. In his contention exposition, he sets himself up as the authority by discreditingmost scholastics and researchers who have been viewed as the best and thebrightest in examining this issue. He guarantees they needed personalexperience, the one capability that was the most significant in clarifying whyalcoholism isn't an illness. The adequacy of utilizing individual experience isit gives the creator merit while simultaneously ruining the researchers thatoppose his case. It tells the peruser that Vaillant recognizes what he is talkingabout and can give a substantial contention. In the scholars thinking, Vaillant offers backing to his proposal by givingrefutations for every one of the five complaints that restrict his case. He utilizes manydifferent expository gadgets to demonstrate liquor addiction is an infection, such ascomparisons, sayings, facetious inquiries and a story, too. All through the article, the writer successfully demonstrates his point by usingcomparisons. For instance, in the creators first nullification, he thinks about highblood pressure, coronary illness and liquor misuse. He clarifies that thecauses for heavy drinkers are like those ailments in that both are differentlyweighted for various individuals and incorporate culture, propensities, and qualities. Bymaking this correlation, it promptly makes the peruser see the similaritiesbetween liquor addiction and different infections. He additionally utilizes redundancy in the maladies he utilizes for correlation. A model ofthis is the utilization of coronary illness and hypertension more than once in theessay. The motivation behind this is to enable the peruser to comprehend these sicknesses more. It additionally fills in as a suggestion to the peruser on how these maladies play a majorrole in liquor addiction. In one point, Vaillant attempts to demonstrate if heavy drinkers are named with adisease, they will turn out to be additionally ready to assume liability for self-care. Toprove this, he utilizes a non-serious inquiry of disease. He asks the peruser, Shoulda specialist who realizes that an individual who has disease keep the reality mystery in case thepatient be named an outsider? The conspicuous answer is no. It is significant forpatients to recognize that they have an illness so they can take responsibilityfor themselves. The equivalent goes for heavy drinkers. He places in the model ofAlcoholics Anonymous, putting liquor abuse as an infection to help his contention. The creator additionally utilizes metaphor for his potential benefit. In his contention, hetries to bring up that liquor misuse causes sorrow, uneasiness and poverty,not the reverse way around. He expresses that Fingarette turns around the position ofcart and horse. It is this specific expression that gets the readersattention. He first alludes to Fingarette as one of the scholastics and thendiscredits her by his hyperbole that she switches the situation of cartand horse. She clearly sees mental issues as a reason for alcoholism,when it ought to be the reverse way around. Her concept of liquor abuse is wrong,therefore she can't be seen as a legitimate figure in this issue. .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .postImageUrl , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:hover , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:visited , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:active { border:0!important; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:active , .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0949e2c8afd8 c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0949e2c8afd8c0f4e88f309f7c86c3b6:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chris Colfer EssayVaillant closes his exposition with a tale that shows a logical inconsistency betweenideas of his partner. In the tale, he shows how close to home experience is themost significant factor in examining this issue. His partner first believedthat liquor abuse was a conduct issue and not a sickness but rather after thinkingabout the tormented lives she had been examining, she understood that she had beenwrong from the beginning. It leaves the peruser realizing that on the off chance that you have worked in aclinic for around two years that you would arrive at the resolution that alcoholismhas to be seen as an inf ection. In end to my examination paper, I found that the creator is a veryintelligent individual that thinks about this subject. Prior to perusing the paper, myopinion regarding this matter was unprejudiced. Subsequent to perusing, I got persuaded by thewriter that liquor is an infection. I thought his employments of definitive languagethroughout his article helps bait the peruser into concurring with him. Right fromthe start of his exposition, he moves toward his point with power. He tells thereader that he has the capabilities to introduce a decent and intelligentargument. - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Saturday, August 22, 2020

alexclo Psychological Analysis of Alex in Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange :: Clockwork Orange Essays

A Psychological Analysis of Alex in A Clockwork Orange   â â â â In A Clockwork Orange, Alex is depicted as two distinct individuals living inside a similar body. As a fiendish youngster assaulting the world, he as observed as foulness. His activities and barefaced lack of regard towards society are classified under that of the regular road bum. Be that as it may, when he is away from his night clothing, he is that of smooth. His attire, his words, his general mentality. The qualification between the two is activated by the delicate hints of Ludwig Van Beethoven.   â â â â The brain research of Alex would be that of a sequential executioner. He is a work of art case of Darwin's, Skinner's, Freud's, Erikson's, and Adler's significant speculations.   â â â â Alex isn't genuinely near whatever other individual that he comes in contact with in the film. He is utilizing his folks for a spot to live, and they show no feeling towards him, fortunate or unfortunate. His affection for his group isn't that of a male/male dispassionate relationship that is basic in fellowships. It is that of a marriage of like interests, when the gatherings included severely dislike one another by and by. Society is against him for all his human sins. The main living animal that he shows love for is his snake.   â â â â Darwin's hypothesis of man having a similar perspective's of creatures holds a fascinating bearing upon Alex. Alex's adoration is for his snake. By and large love is characterized by a comprehension, or a closeness between two things. The snake is spoken to by numerous things in the regular present reality.   â â â Freud's analyzationâ for the male closeness to the snake is that the individual included is scrutinizing his sexuality, or his affection towards the female sex. Alex holds returning to his snake after his evenings on the town, and his first worry with life after he is paroled is his dear snake. This, joined with the certainty that keeps his snake in a chest under his bed ( the most perceived sexual thing in a normal family), show's his deficiencies with his sexual execution and his penis. He feels that by staying in touch with his snake, he will be to a greater extent a man then he as of now is, in this way making him progressively perceptible and

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Lip Sync Toons

Lip Sync Toons Last night, I attended a concert by the MIT/Wellesley Toons, one of MITs a cappella groups. Towwards the end of the concert, Lee-Kai 07 divided the lecture hall in half and told us it was time for audience participation. My half made saxaphone noises, and the right half made some pretty great trumpet noises. Can anyone guess what song we were accompanying? Army by Ben Folds Five Great job, Jen 07! Jen is the president of the Association of Student Activities (ASA), and is majoring in Course 22: Nuclear Engineering. Jen is powerful. Do not mess with Jen. Last weekend, I went to Alpha Chi Omega (AXO)s Lip Sync their annual fundraiser for the Cambridge YWCA. You may remember an advertisement for this event from Meliss entry. Sorry the pictures are so dark. I stole them from Melis 08, who stole them from someone else. RUBIX CUBE COMPETITION! The emcees asked the audience for rubix cube people to unscramble a 33 cube, and at least 8 people volunteered. It was awesome. Here, a bunch of students from Course 1: Civil and Environmental Engineering performed an interesting medly. Number 1 by Nelly made sense, but Im not quite sure how Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas qualified. A freshman imitated Ashlee Simpson 0never Sarah 06, who is an MIT-EMT (Emergency Medical Technician, I think?), gives one of her fellow EMTs a heart attack. (Although it certainly doesnt look like its against his will.) So they call even more EMTs to revive him. Does anyone remember the Fatboy Slim video for Praise You ? The sisters of AXO certainly do:

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Summary Of Journals Reviewing Tax Impacts Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 943 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Cause and effect essay Did you like this example? The journal provides a review about the impact of taxes on corporate financial behavior, focusing on the tax dimension of corporate finance. The decision of the firm to issue debt is based upon the risk-adjusted rate of return on debt between the common stock and municipal bonds. The demand for corporate debt curve is derived from the differential tax rates for individual investors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Summary Of Journals Reviewing Tax Impacts Finance Essay" essay for you Create order The greater the demand for corporate debt, the higher is the pretax interest rate. In Section 2, the author addressed the relationship between taxes and capital structure, focusing on the generalization of the Miller equilibrium. The Miller equilibrium assumes that firms will be indifferent toward in issuing debt whenever interest that is paid at the premium rate can reduce the level of corporate taxable income dollar. The marginal value of tax savings associated with debt financing is the parameter in managing capital structure. It involves both corporate and personal taxation of bond and common stock income. Section 3 is a review on the impact of taxes on dividend policy. Stocks with relatively high degrees of tax exposure sell so as to yield relatively high pre-tax expected rates of return in regards of dividends-tax effects. The section also focused on the possible role of tax avoidance by investors such as transforming dividends into a tax-deferred annuity and tax arbitrag e strategy. The author also discussed the attempt to reconcile the apparent conflict between the conditions of the original Miller equilibrium, where firms are indifferent to capital structure, and the conditions under which costless tax avoidance leads to an indifference by investors to dividends and capital gains. John R. Graham (2003). Taxes and Corporate Finance: A Review. The Review of Financial Studies Winter. Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1075Acirc; ±1129. The journal reviews about tax research related to areas like domestic and multinational capital structure, the payout and compensation policy, risk management, and last but not least earnings management. Under the domestic and multinational capital structure section, it reviews how corporate debt usage is positively affected by tax rates. For multinational capital structure, it is how international tax law can affect corporate financing decisions in a multinational firm. Under the payout policy section, the focus is on the ta x incentives related to corporate payout policy. The compensation policy section highlights the choice of salary versus equity compensation, the choice between incentive stock options (ISOs) and nonqualified stock options (NQOs), and also, the trade-off between compensation deductions and debt tax shields. Risk management section on the other hand investigates imperfections in the tax code that can lead to corporate hedging being beneficial and also explore how similar imperfections can provide an incentive to manage earnings. The last section, earnings management reviews the conditions that can lead to a tax incentive to smooth earnings. For each of these areas, the paper reviewed how taxes can affect corporate decision making and firm value and thus followed by a summary and discussion of the related empirical evidence and unresolved issues. Kerry Pattenden (2006). Capital Structure Decisions Under Classical and Imputation Tax Systems: A Natural Test for Tax Effects in Australi a. Australian Journal of Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 67Acirc; ±92. The journal investigates determinants of capital structure, which are mainly focus on tax incentives for debt financing. The reason for this examination is that, marginal tax rates play a deciding factor in the debt equity decision under a tax regime which favors debt over equity due to the potential size of the interest tax shield available. The hypothesis is that there should have a positive coefficient in the tax variable included. The analysis uses an experimental design and statistical technique which is the Bayesian selection methods to address key problems that might arise during empirical capital structure research. The paper also examines a panel of Australian firms that operated under two tax regimes which are classical regime and dividend imputation regime. The result shows that there is a significant positive tax coefficient in the classical regime, as hypothesized. Tax Effect on Malaysian companies and their capital structure decisions. (Mat Kila and Wan Mahmood, 2008) investigates the determinants of capital structure for the companies listed in the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (BMSB) during the period from 2000 to 2005. The data are derived from financial statements of 17 companies by the DATASTREAM database. The authors analyzed dependent variable of debt ratio and the independent variables which are size, growth, liquidity and interest coverage ratio. To estimate the characteristics that will affect capital structure of Malaysian firms, they applied pooled OLS estimations. The result shows that the independent variables which included the size, liquidity and interest coverage ratio are significantly negative related to total debt. This may prove that larger firm employ equity financing or using itacirc;â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s retained earnings as a major source in its capital structure. However, the study also shows insignificant negative capital structure to growth of the firm, which is expressed by the annual ch anges of earnings. The statistic shows of about 89.20% out of 17 sampled Malaysian firms for 6 year period use less than 30% debt in financing their activities. Meanwhile, the remaining firms which are 10.80% firms use more than 30% debt. In addition to that, 13 out of 17 sampled Malaysian firms are completely maintaining the usage of debt financing less than 30% for 6 year period of 2000 to 2005. Whereas only 4 companies, namely White Horse, Abric, Minply Holdings and Permaju Industries, are for a few years during the 6 years period of study use more than 30% debt ratio in financing its activities. Therefore, the result implies that most of Malaysian companies prefer to safeguard their control of their company by financing its operations with more equities compared to the usage of debt that exposed them to the fixed obligations toward creditors.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Dis

FINA 3088 Case Study 1 ---- Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A)(B) Bid Strategy of the First Round The first round bid was to show its commitment and price, while detailed proposal would be submitted after being shortlisted. Thus, Chase had mainly three kinds of concern at that stage: risk, profit and reputation. Reputation From Exhibit 6, there is no doubt that Chase was the top bank in syndicated finance in the US and over the world. However, it recorded limited performance in Asian market though Chase had put numerous resources into its global group. At the same time, Chase was among Disney’s top relationship banks and Disney as well as its project in Hong Kong had a noticeable market signal.†¦show more content†¦Although Chase argued that this term is rarely invoked and in Asia they have never invoked it, Disney was paying for a fully underwritten deal expressly to avoid syndication risk, especially the amount of the loan. If the syndication amount suddenly changes in the economy crises, it may bring serious trouble to the Disney’s operation and financial stability. At the same time, if the price were to increase dramatically, it would be a high burden for Disney to pay the interest. Since Disney is one of the large clients, Chase may have to do some amendments to smooth the negotiation process. As chase, to remove or alter the rights to change the amount of the syndication may be acceptable as most of the loan have been assigned to other banks. However, some flexibility in terms of the pricing must be guaranteed to ensure the profitability of Chase in some certain economy downturn. Syndication Strategy for the loan We now discuss the syndication strategy in terms of the following components: Number of Tiers ---- fewer tiers It can be argued that more tiers can increase the number of banks to involve, thus

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Four Free Essays

Ten minutes later Grace was in the Wyndham carriage, alone with the dowager, trying to remember just why she’d told Thomas he shouldn’t commit his grandmother to an asylum. In the last five minutes the dowager had: Turned the carriage around. Shoved Grace out and to the ground, where she’d landed awkwardly on her right ankle. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Four or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sent the Willoughby sisters on their way without the slightest explanation. Had the Wyndham carriage brought around. Outfitted aforementioned carriage with six large footmen. Had Grace tossed inside. (The footman doing the tossing had apologized as he’d done so, but still.) â€Å"Ma’am?† Grace asked hesitantly. They were speeding along at a rate that could not be considered safe, but the dowager kept banging her walking stick against the wall, bellowing at the driver to move faster. â€Å"Ma’am? Where are we going?† â€Å"You know very well.† Grace waited one careful moment, then said, â€Å"I’m sorry, ma’am, I don’t.† The dowager speared her with an angry stare. â€Å"We don’t know where he is,† Grace pointed out. â€Å"We will find him.† â€Å"But, ma’am – â€Å" â€Å"Enough!† the dowager ground out. Her voice was not loud, but it contained sufficient passion to silence Grace immediately. After a moment passed, she stole a glance at the older woman. She was sitting ramrod straight – too straight, really, for a ride in the carriage, and her right hand was bent and angled like a claw, pulling back the curtain so she might see outside. Trees. That’s all there was to see. Grace couldn’t imagine why the dowager was staring out so intently. â€Å"If you saw him,† the dowager said, her low voice cutting into Grace’s thoughts, â€Å"then he is still in the district.† Grace said nothing. The dowager wasn’t looking at her, in any case. â€Å"Which means,† the icy voice continued, â€Å"that there are only a very few places he might be. Three posting inns in the vicinity. That is all.† Grace rested her forehead in her hand. It was a sign of weakness, something she usually tried not to display in front of the dowager, but there was no maintaining a stiff facade now. They were going to kidnap him. She, Grace Catriona Eversleigh, who had never so much as nicked a ha’penny ribbon from a fair, was going to be party to what had to be a high crime. â€Å"Dear Lord,† she whispered. â€Å"Shut up,† the dowager snapped, â€Å"and make yourself useful.† Grace grit her teeth. How the devil did the dowager think she could be useful? Surely any manhandling that needed doing would be performed by the footmen, each of whom stood, as per Belgrave regulations, five feet eleven inches tall. And no, she did not mistake their purpose on the journey. When she had looked askance at the dowager, the reply had been a terse, â€Å"My grandson might need convincing.† Now, the dowager growled, â€Å"Look out the window,† speaking to her as if she’d turned idiot overnight. â€Å"You got the best look at him.† Dear God, she would gratefully forfeit five years off her life just to be anywhere but inside this carriage. â€Å"Ma’am, I said – he was at the end of the drive. I didn’t really see him.† â€Å"You did last night.† Grace had been trying not to look at her, but at that, she could not help but stare. â€Å"I saw you kissing him,† the dowager hissed. â€Å"And I will warn you now. Don’t try to rise above your station.† â€Å"Ma’am, he kissed me.† â€Å"He is my grandson,† the dowager spat, â€Å"and he may very well be the true Duke of Wyndham, so do not be getting any ideas. You are valued as my companion, but that is all.† Grace could not find the outrage to react to the insult. Instead, she could only stare at the dowager in horror, unable to believe that she had actually spoken the words. The true Duke of Wyndham. Even the very suggestion of it was scandalous. Would she throw over Thomas so easily, strip him of his birthright, of his very name? Wyndham was not just a title Thomas held, it was who he was. But if the dowager publicly championed the highwayman as the true heir†¦dear God, Grace could not even imagine the depth of the scandal it would create. The impostor would be proven illegitimate, of course – there could be no other outcome, surely – but the damage would be done. There would always be those who whispered that maybe Thomas wasn’t really the duke, that maybe he ought not be so secure in his conceits, because he wasn’t truly entitled to them, was he? Grace could not imagine what this would do to him. To all of them. â€Å"Ma’am,† she said, her voice quavering slightly. â€Å"You cannot think that this man could be legitimate.† â€Å"Of course I can,† the dowager snapped. â€Å"His manners were impeccable – â€Å" â€Å"He was a highwayman!† â€Å"One with a fine bearing and perfectly correct accent,† the dowager retorted. â€Å"Whatever his current station, he was brought up properly and given a gentleman’s education.† â€Å"But that does not mean – â€Å" â€Å"My son died on a boat,† the dowager interrupted, her voice hard, â€Å"after he’d spent eight months in Ireland. Eight bloody months that were supposed to be four weeks. He went to attend a wedding. A wedding.† Her body seemed to harden as she paused, her teeth grinding together at the memory. â€Å"And not even of anyone worth mentioning. Just some school friend whose parents bought themselves a title and bludgeoned their way into Eton, as if that could make them better than they were.† Grace’s eyes widened. The dowager’s voice had descended into a low, venomous hiss, and without even meaning to, Grace moved closer to the window. It felt toxic to be so close to her right now. â€Å"And then†¦Ã¢â‚¬  the dowager continued. â€Å"And then! All I received was a three-sentence note, written in someone else’s hand, reporting that he was having such a fine time that he believed he was going to remain.† Grace blinked. â€Å"He didn’t write it himself?† she asked, unsure why she found this detail so curious. â€Å"He signed it,† the dowager said brusquely. â€Å"And sealed it with his ring. He knew I couldn’t decipher his scrawl.† She sat back, her face contorting with decades old anger and resentment. â€Å"Eight months,† she muttered. â€Å"Eight stupid, useless months. Who is to say he did not marry some harlot over there? He had ample time.† Grace watched her for several moments. Her nose was in the air, and she gave every indication of haughty anger, but something was not quite right. Her lips were pinching and twisting, and her eyes were suspiciously bright. â€Å"Ma’am – † Grace said gently. â€Å"Don’t,† the dowager said, her voice sounding as if it might crack. Grace considered the wisdom of speaking, then decided there was too much at stake to remain silent. â€Å"Your grace, it simply cannot be,† she began, somehow maintaining her courage despite the withering expression on the dowager’s face. â€Å"This is not a humble country entail. This is not Sillsby,† she added, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat at the mention of her childhood home. â€Å"We are speaking of Belgrave. Of a dukedom. Heirs apparent do not simply vanish into the mist. If your son had had a son, we would have known.† The dowager stared at her for an uncomfortably sharp moment, then said, â€Å"We will try the Happy Hare first. It is the least uncouth of all the local posting inns.† She settled back against the cushion, staring straight ahead as she said, â€Å"If he is anything like his father, he will be too fond of his comforts for anything less.† Jack was already feeling like an idiot when a sack was thrown over his head. So this was it, then. He knew he’d stayed too long. The whole ride back he’d berated himself for the fool he was. He should have left after breakfast. He should have left at dawn. But no, he had to get drunk the night before, and then he had to ride out to that bloody castle. And then he’d seen her. If he hadn’t seen her, he would never have remained at the end of the drive for so long. And then he wouldn’t have ridden off with such speed. And had to rest and water his mount. And he certainly wouldn’t have been standing by the trough like a bloody bull’s-eye when someone attacked him from behind. â€Å"Bind him,† a gruff voice said. It was enough to set every pore in his body into fighting mode. A man did not spend his life so close to the noose without preparing for those two words. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t see. It didn’t matter that he had no idea who they were or why they’d come for him. He fought. And he knew how to fight, clean and dirty. But there were three of them at least, possibly more, and he managed only two good punches before he was facedown in the dirt, his hands yanked behind his back and bound with†¦ Well, it wasn’t rope. Almost felt like silk, truth be told. â€Å"Sorry,† one of his captors mumbled, which was odd. Men in the business of tying up other men rarely thought to offer apologies. â€Å"Think nothing of it,† Jack returned, then cursed himself for his insolence. All his little quip earned him was a mouth full of burlap dust. â€Å"This way,† someone said, helping him to his feet. And Jack could do nothing but obey. â€Å"Er, if you please,† the first voice said – the one who’d ordered him bound. â€Å"Care to tell me where I’m going?† Jack inquired. There was quite a bit of hemming and hawing. Minions. These were minions. He sighed. Minions never knew the important things. â€Å"Er, can you step up?† And then, before Jack could oblige, or even say, â€Å"Beg pardon,† he was roughly hoisted into the air and tumbled into what had to be a carriage. â€Å"Put him on a seat,† a voice barked. He knew that voice. It was the old lady. His grandmother. Well, at least he wasn’t off to be hanged. â€Å"Don’t suppose someone will see to my horse,† Jack said. â€Å"See to his horse,† the old lady snapped. Jack allowed himself to be moved onto a seat, not a particularly easy maneuver, bound and blindfolded as he was. â€Å"Don’t suppose you’ll untie my hands,† he said. â€Å"I’m not stupid,† was the old lady’s reply. â€Å"No,† he said with a false sigh. â€Å"I didn’t think you were. Beauty and stupidity never go as hand in hand as one might wish.† â€Å"I am sorry I had to take you this way,† the old lady said. â€Å"But you left me no choice.† â€Å"No choice,† Jack mused. â€Å"Yes, of course. Because I’ve done so much to escape your clutches up to now.† â€Å"If you had intended to call upon me,† the old lady said sharply, â€Å"you would not have ridden off earlier this afternoon.† Jack felt himself smile mockingly. â€Å"She told you, then,† he said, wondering why he’d thought she might not. â€Å"Miss Eversleigh?† So that was her name. â€Å"She had no choice,† the old lady said dismissively, as if the wishes of Miss Eversleigh were something she rarely considered. And then Jack felt it. A slight brush of air beside him. A faint rustle of movement. She was there. The elusive Miss Eversleigh. The silent Miss Eversleigh. The delicious Miss Eversleigh. â€Å"Remove his hood,† he heard his grandmother order. â€Å"You’re going to suffocate him.† Jack waited patiently, affixing a lazy smile onto his face – it was not, after all, the expression they would expect, and thus the one he most wished to display. He heard her make a noise – Miss Eversleigh, that was. It wasn’t a sigh exactly, and not a groan, either. It was something he couldn’t quite place. Weary resignation, perhaps. Or maybe – The hood came off, and he took a moment to savor the cool air on his face. Then he looked at her. It was mortification. That’s what it had been. Poor Miss Eversleigh looked miserable. A more gracious gentleman would have turned away, but he wasn’t feeling overly charitable at the moment, and so he treated himself to a lengthy perusal of her face. She was lovely, although not in any predictable manner. No English rose was she, not with that glorious dark hair and shining blue eyes that tilted up ever-so-slightly at the edges. Her lashes were dark and sooty, in stark contrast to the pale perfection of her skin. Of course, that paleness might have been a result of her extreme discomfort. The poor girl looked as if she might cast up her accounts at any moment. â€Å"Was it that bad, kissing me?† he murmured. She turned scarlet. â€Å"Apparently so.† He turned to his grandmother and said in his most conversational tone, â€Å"I hope you realize this is a hanging offense.† â€Å"I am the Duchess of Wyndham,† she replied with a haughty lift of her brow. â€Å"Nothing is a hanging offense.† â€Å"Ah, the unfairness of life,† he said with a sigh. â€Å"Wouldn’t you agree, Miss Eversleigh?† She looked as if she wanted to speak. Indeed, the poor girl was most definitely biting her tongue. â€Å"Now if you were the perpetrator in this little crime,† he continued, allowing his eyes to slide insolently from her face to her bosom and back, â€Å"this would all be so very different.† Her jaw tightened. â€Å"It would be,† he murmured, allowing his gaze to fall to her lips, â€Å"rather lovely, I think. Just think – you, me, alone in this exceedingly luxurious carriage.† He sighed contentedly and sat back. â€Å"The imagination runs wild.† He waited for the old lady to defend her. She did not. â€Å"Care to share your plans for me?† he asked, propping one ankle over the opposite knee as he slouched in his seat. It wasn’t an easy position to achieve, with his hands still stuck behind him, but he was damned if he’d sit up straight and polite. The old lady turned to him, her lips pinched. â€Å"Most men would not complain.† He shrugged. â€Å"I am not most men.† Then he offered a half smile and turned to Miss Eversleigh. â€Å"A rather banal rejoinder on my part, wouldn’t you say? So obvious. A novice could have come up with it.† He shook his head as if disappointed. â€Å"I do hope I’m not losing my touch.† Her eyes widened. He grinned. â€Å"You think I’m mad.† â€Å"Oh, yes,† she said, and he rather enjoyed her voice again, washing warmly over him. â€Å"It’s something to consider.† He turned to the old lady. â€Å"Does madness run in the family?† â€Å"Of course not,† she snapped. â€Å"Well, that’s a relief. Not,† he added, â€Å"that I am acknowledging a connection. I don’t believe I wish to be associated with cutthroats such as yourself. Tsk tsk. Even I have never resorted to kidnapping.† He leaned forward, as if imparting a very grave confidence to Miss Eversleigh. â€Å"It’s very bad form, you know.† And he thought – oh, how lovely – that he saw her lips twitch. Miss Eversleigh had a sense of humor. She was growing more delectable by the second. He smiled at her. He knew how to do it, too. He knew exactly how to smile at a woman to make her feel it deep inside. He smiled at her. And she blushed. Which made him smile even more. â€Å"Enough,† the old lady snapped. He feigned innocence. â€Å"Of what?† He looked at her, at this woman who was most probably his grandmother. Her face was pinched and lined, the corners of her mouth pulled down by the weight of an eternal frown. She’d look unhappy even if she smiled, he thought. Even if somehow she managed to get that mouth to form a crescent in the correct direction – No, he decided. It wouldn’t work. She’d never manage it. She’d probably expire from the exertion. â€Å"Leave my companion alone,† she said tersely. He leaned toward Miss Eversleigh, giving her a lopsided smile even though she was quite determinedly looking away. â€Å"Was I bothering you?† â€Å"No,† she said quickly. â€Å"Of course not.† Which couldn’t have been further from the truth, but who was he to quibble? He turned back to the old lady. â€Å"You didn’t answer my question.† She lifted an imperious brow. Ah, he thought, completely without humor, that was where he got the expression. â€Å"What do you plan to do with me?† he asked. â€Å"Do with you.† She repeated the words curiously, as if she found them most strange. He lifted a brow right back at her, wondering if she’d recognize the gesture. â€Å"There are a great many options.† â€Å"My dear boy,† she began. Her tone was grand. Condescending. As if he’d only needed this to realize that he ought to be licking her boots. â€Å"I’m going to give you the world.† Grace had just about managed to regain her equilibrium when the highwayman, after a lengthy and thoughtful frown, turned to the dowager and said, â€Å"I don’t believe I’m interested in your world.† A bubble of horrified laughter burst forth from her throat. Oh dear heavens, the dowager looked ready to spit. Grace clamped a hand over her mouth and turned away, trying not to notice that the highwayman was positively grinning at her. â€Å"Apologies,† he said to the dowager, not sounding the least bit contrite. â€Å"But can I have her world instead?† Grace’s head snapped back around in time to see him nodding in her direction. He shrugged. â€Å"I like you better.† â€Å"Are you never serious?† the dowager bit off. And then he changed. His body did not move from its slouch, but Grace could feel the air around him coiling with tension. He was a dangerous man. He hid this well with his lazy charm and insolent smile. But he was not a man to be crossed. She was sure of it. â€Å"I’m always serious,† he said, his eyes never leaving those of the dowager. â€Å"You’d do well to take note of that.† â€Å"I’m so sorry,† Grace whispered, the words slipping out before she had a chance to consider them. The gravity of the situation was bearing down on her with uncomfortable intensity. She had been so worried about Thomas and what this would all mean for him. But in that moment it was brought home to her that there were two men caught in this web. And whatever this man was, whoever he was, he did not deserve this. Perhaps he would want life as a Cavendish, with its riches and prestige. Most men would. But he deserved the choice. Everyone deserved a choice. She looked over at him then, forcing herself to bring her eyes to his face. She had been avoiding his gaze as much as she could, but her cowardice suddenly felt distasteful. He must have felt her watching him, because he turned. His dark hair fell forward over his brow, and his eyes – a spectacular shade of mossy green – grew warm. â€Å"I do like you better,† he murmured, and she thought – hoped? – that she saw a flicker of respect in his gaze. And then, quick as a blink, the moment was gone. His mouth slid into that cocky half smile and he let out a pent-up breath before saying, â€Å"It’s a compliment.† It was on the tip of her tongue to say, Thank you, as ridiculous as that seemed, but then he shrugged – one shoulder only, as if that was all he could be bothered with – and added, â€Å"Of course, I would imagine that the only person I would like less than our esteemed countess – â€Å" â€Å"Duchess,† the dowager snapped. He paused, gave her a blandly haughty stare, then turned back to Grace. â€Å"As I was saying, the only person I would like less than her† – he jerked his head toward the dowager, not even honoring her with a direct glance – â€Å"would be the French menace himself, so I suppose it’s not that much of a compliment, but I did want you to know that it was sincerely given.† Grace tried not to smile, but he always seemed to be looking at her as if they were sharing a joke, just the two of them, and she knew that it was making the dowager more furious by the second. A glance across the carriage confirmed this; the dowager looked even more starched and upset than usual. Grace turned back to the highwayman, as much out of self-preservation as anything else. The dowager showed every sign of an imminent tirade, but after her performance the night before, Grace knew that she was far too besotted with the idea of her long-lost grandson to make him her target. â€Å"What is your name?† Grace asked him, since it seemed the most obvious question. â€Å"My name?† Grace nodded. He turned to the dowager with an expression of great scolding. â€Å"Funny that you haven’t asked me yet.† He shook his head. â€Å"Shameful manners. All the best kidnappers know their victims’ names.† â€Å"I am not kidnapping you!† the dowager burst out. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence, and then his voice emerged like silk. â€Å"I misunderstand the bindings, then.† Grace looked warily at the dowager. She’d never appreciated sarcasm unless it emerged from her own lips, and she would never allow him the last word. And indeed, when she spoke, her words were clipped and stiff, and colored blue with the blood of one secure in her own superiority. â€Å"I am restoring you to your proper place in this world.† â€Å"I see,† he said slowly. â€Å"Good,† the dowager said briskly. â€Å"We are in accord, then. All that remains is for us to – â€Å" â€Å"My proper place,† he said, cutting her off. â€Å"Indeed.† â€Å"In the world.† Grace realized that she was holding her breath. She could not look away, could not take her eyes off his when he murmured, â€Å"The conceit. It’s remarkable.† His voice was soft, almost thoughtful, and it cut to the bone. The dowager turned sharply toward the window, and Grace searched her face for something – anything – that might have shown her humanity, but she remained stiff and hard, and her voice betrayed no emotion when she said, â€Å"We are almost home.† They were turning down the drive, passing the very spot where Grace had seen him earlier that afternoon. â€Å"So you are,† the highwayman said, glancing out the window. â€Å"You will come to regard it as home,† the dowager stated, her voice imperious and exacting and, more than anything else, final. He did not respond. But he didn’t need to. They all knew what he was thinking. Never. How to cite The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Four, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

SWOT analysis for Tesco Research Paper Example

SWOT analysis for Tesco Paper Strengths:– -Their size which allows Tesco to buy competitively so they can buy more products than other supermarkets so they can sell them cheaper because when you buy in bulks you get price reductions, Tesco can use this because they are bigger than all other supermarkets so they have a opportunity to make more money, The larger you become the more economy of scale you achieve. For example if you ten thousand tins of beans its cheaper than buying one tin of beans per unit therefore the more you buy the cheaper they get their products. -Tesco also have strong senior management which helps the store because their management of the store is strong so they can manage Tesco a lot more efficiently and the staff in it, their senior staff is also useful because they will always know how to manage the store because they do it well, They make great recommendations, decisions for Tesco as they are one of the best supermarkets in the UK and couldn’t be that without the senior management team. We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT analysis for Tesco specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT analysis for Tesco specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT analysis for Tesco specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer -Tesco are hypermarkets which are big hyper stores which mean you can buy big bulks at lower prices at their warehouses; they have the widest range of products to offer for their customers all over the UK, These are cheaper alternatives to customers who need more at cheaper prices which makes them strong because they will make more money and they are the only supermarket with a strong hypermarket portfolio. -Tesco has national UK coverage which is a strength because they have supermarkets open all over the UK, this help’s Tesco because it makes them well known and people have more Tesco’s to shop at, Their UK national coverage helps more people because they have more branches of Tesco to shop at rather than travelling large distances to use the Tesco services. -Tesco has a Increasing Level of Investment which is helpful because they have lots of investors that have invested in the business who help keep it running, the investors helped Tesco become what it is now, and more people want to invest into Tesco which makes it a strong business because it is a High selling supermarket. -Tesco have a strong price message which will be strength for them because they are accurate about their price range and are cheaper than other supermarkets in the area, the Tesco price message helps the business to keep its strength because they are clear about their prices and have cheaper prices than other supermarkets in the area, They also give customers things like club cards and special offers which can help them reduce the price they have to pay for their products which helps because more people want to use the Tesco services. -Tesco have expanding non food and online offers which means that if you shop online or buy stuff other than food from them you will get offers such as cheaper rates for ordering online, This helps Tesco because they are one of the only supermarkets doing online offers, Customers who use the computer will use this to order their shopping online and get it delivered to their house, This also means that they have moved onto things like electrical products, phone networks as well as groceries. -Tesco have Efficient distribution because they always have enough products and supplies for the customers to purchase, Tesco will always order in advance to ensure that they always have enough products for their customers, they always make sure that they have a distribution chain to get products to the stores, They use many different methods such as vans and lorries to get the products to Tesco on time. Weaknesses:– -Increasing geographical spread makes focus on specific markets difficult, this affects Tesco because the more supermarkets that open in the different areas there will more places for customers to go so they might move away from Tesco and go somewhere else which will be bad for Tesco because they can loose money. -International expansion requires substantial investments, this is a weakness of Tesco because when they want to expand international they will need substantial investments to open up new businesses, and this is a weakness because Tesco might not have the investments to open up the new businesses. -High reliance on UK market is a weakness of Tesco because their business is going sluggish because of things like customers not having enough money to spend which will cause them to downgrade, if the customers don’t have enough money to buy products or less products than usual Tesco won’t make enough money. Opportunities:– -Growth of non-food is an opportunity of Tesco because they can start growing things like plants and flowers and sell them in store, not many other have a flowers/plant range so this could be an Opportunity for Tesco, also to sell genetically modified food to prevent shortage of the products in the future. -Enter new Asian markets is an opportunity of Tesco because they can do something for all types of customers so they can get everything from under one roof rather than going to different stores to get their shopping, Entering the Asian Market for Tesco will help them because they will have a new market and it will benefit their customers, Also because they will branch out more Asian countries which will make them more well known. -Effective use of Club card database to increase basket size is an opportunity of Tesco because when a customers buys products from Tesco they earn club cards points which they can later trade in for things like reductions, this is a opportunity for Tesco as they are the only ones who offer a Club Card and it will help their customers because they will want to spend more to earn more points. -Develop additional services is an opportunity of Tesco because they could start new services which other business don’t have for example Tesco already have the self pay tills that customers can use, and they benefit the customers, Tesco can develop new services that will help them because they will have services other businesses don’t. Threats:– -Faces range of diverse competitors internationally which is a threat for Tesco because they have moved internationally and they will competitors that are more well know at the location, Tesco are threatened because the other stores are more well know and there is more of a chance that the customers will visit that store instead of Tesco. -Increased level of eating out in the UK is a threat of Tesco because if people are eating from out more often they are not buying food from Tesco; this is a threat because if people continue to eat out Tesco will loose money because people are not buying from them. -Restrictive planning guidelines in UK and Asia is a threat of Tesco because if Tesco wants to increase the size of their supermarkets they must follow the restrictive guidelines, they can build a supermarket but they must follow how many Square feet and set in the guidelines, This is a threat for Tesco because if they want to expand a supermarket they won’t be able to increase it buy much.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Essay on Yes Please

Essay on Yes Please Essay on Yes Please Sony Corporation of America, located in New York, NY, is the US headquarters of Sony Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan was founded in 1964. Sony's principal US businesses include Sony Electronics incorporated,, sony Mobile Communications USA incorporated, Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC, Sony network entertainment incorporated, Sony Pictures Entertainment incorporated, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony dash ATV music publishing LLC, and Sony Online Entertainment LLC. with some 900 millionbSony devices in hands and homes worldwide today, a vast array of Sony movies, television shows and music, and the PlayStation Network and the Sony Entertainment Network, Sony create some delivers more in 15 minutes Berrien says to people than anyone else on earth. Sony is a company that inspires and Cecil's curiosity, and who's vision is to use the unlimited passion for technology, content and services to the liver groundbreaking excitement and entertainment. With honesty and integrity Sony s trive to create things for every kind of imagination in doing so, the company will continue to expand an emerging markets, develop new businesses and a separate innovation, all to generate new value for investors and new experiences for consumers. Top three competitors for Sony Electronics, INC. are Panasonic Corporation of North America, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, and SANYO North America Corporation. The comapny that was to become Panasonic started in 1918. Panasonic Corporation of North America is based in Secaucus, NJ, is the principal North American subsidiary of Osaka, Japan-based Panasonic Corporation and the hub of its branding, marketing, sales, service, product development in the U.S. and Canada. For more than 50 years, panasonic has the delighted American consumers with innovations for home and business. Panasonic consumer electronics and technology products range from award winning VIERA High Definition Plasma and LCD TVs and LUMIX Digital Cameras. Philips Electronics North America was founded in 1981. Philips has got everything you need from an early-morning shave to a late night TV fix. The US on arm of Dutch company Royal

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Cute Guy Quotes

Cute Guy Quotes If you see a really cute guy and want to approach him, what would you do? Turn on your charm and hope that he notices you, or go right up to him and ask him out? Whatever you do, you need to know how guys think. Here are some cute guy quotes to get you started. Work your way into the mind of cute guys and you will never go wrong with your approach. Alphonse Karr: If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more daring.Mark Twain: Man is the only creature who has a nasty mind.William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing: O, what men dare do! What men may do! What men daily do, not knowing what they do!Mason Cooley: Young men preen. Old men scheme.Robert Elliott Gonzales: Even the most staid and respectable husband likes for his wife to think he is a devil among the women.Francesca M. Cancian: Part of the reason that men seem so much less loving than women is that mens behavior is measured with a feminine ruler.George Bernard Shaw: Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.Julius Charles Hare: The greatest truths are the simplest, and so are the greatest men.Karen Blixen: What is man, when you come to think upon him, but a minutely set, ingenious machine for turning, with infinite artfulness, the red wine of Shiraz into urine?Jean Giraudoux: When you see a woma n who can go nowhere without a staff of admirers, it is not so much because they think she is beautiful, it is because she has told them they are handsome. Buddha: A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.Oscar Wilde: A man who marries his mistress leaves a vacancy in that position.Buddha: A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so he escapes the suffering.Will Cuppy: All modern men are descended from a worm-like creature, but it shows more on some people.Albert Einstein: Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.Richard J. Needham: Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible.Anais Nin: I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. Linda Ellerbee: If men can run the world, why cant they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?Rita Mae Brown: If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle.Henry David Thoreau: In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, they had better aim at something high.Helen Rowland: It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son, and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.Groucho Marx: Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him.Jim Backus: Many a man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success.Laura Swenson: Men are like a deck of cards. Youll find the occasional king, but most are jacks.Kathleen Mifsud: Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and its our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something youd like to have dinner with.Carrie Latet: Men like a woman with a daring tongue. Thats a double-entendre, which reminds me they also like a menage a trois. Ninon de Lenclos: Men lose more conquests by their own awkwardness than by any virtue in the woman.Roger Woddis: Men play the game; women know the score.E. H. Chapin, Living Words: Physically, man is but an atom in space and a pulsation in time. Spiritually, the entire outward universe receives significance from him, and the scope of his existence stretches beyond the stars.Maureen Murphy: Some men are so macho theyll get you pregnant just to kill a rabbit.Gloria Steinem: Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.Francis Bacon: The desire of excessive power caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge caused men to fall.Natalie Wood: The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Training in ethics for management personnel Essay

Training in ethics for management personnel - Essay Example The Columbia Encyclopedia (2003) defines business ethics as the study and evaluation of decision making by businesses according to moral concepts and judgments. Issues involved in ethical business decisions include a company's obligation to be honest with its customers, a company's responsibility to preserve the environment and the protection of employee rights. Ethical conflicts arise due to the differences in the interests of company owners, workers, customers, and the community wherein which the business operates. The dilemma for managers is how to balance the need to produce profits for shareholders with honest business practices, safety in the workplace, and environmental and social concerns. The globalization of businesses and diversity in the workplace have also contributed to the complication of ethical issues because of different government laws that define the limits of criminal behavior. Practices which are deemed as bribery, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and l ack of concern for the environment, may be held as criminal in one country but are neither illegal nor unethical or unusual in another. The company must then decide whether to adhere to its traditional ethical principles or not, especially if this provides opportunities for maximizing profits. According to Today's Market... use of these type of occurrences in the business milieu, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has become part of mandatory United States federal law that companies must adhere to. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is intended to protect against corporate fraud and unethical accounting and reporting incidents. Thus, ethics training is now widely conducted to instill corporate values, rules and regulations in the minds of managers and employees. Ethics Training Ethics training aims to ensure that people are aware of ethical issues and the consequences of unethical behavior. Companies which conduct ethics training are benefited by the continual application of the company code of ethics in the everyday business environment. Ethics training provides a venue for communication and problem solving that guides participants in the resolution of complex issues brought about by conflicts of interest. It helps create a guide that may be followed when exercising discretion, while defining boundaries, limitations and expectations within the organization. An ethical workplace environment is characterized by properly exercised discretion, and ethics training is a step toward corporate compliance (Today's Marketer, 2008). An ethics training program encourages employee involvement in the process of reporting violations of the code of conduct, or any unethical practice. Compliant companies establish a procedure and a point of contact where whistleblowers my anonymously report violations. The process allows employees to be at ease when an unethical situation must be reported, and contributes to the company's corporate compliance program because it proves the company's willingness to eliminate unethical practices. Encouraging the reporting reduces catastrophic outcomes for the company, such as those which

Monday, February 3, 2020

Discussion on Peet's coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion on Peet's coffee - Essay Example this matter, proper interest of customers is needed because company can attain its marketing goals with the support of professional persons and effective promotional plans. Cause of trends is different for various conditions because people are living with unpredicted financial and social conditions. Same condition is linked with Peet`s Coffee and Tea product as customers can attain this product after attainment of sensational status in the society. In case of trouble, people are unable to buy this product and this scenario is realizable for all humans without any complexity. So, companies should be careful in this matter and they should use proper marketing sources to gain attraction of people as customer to enhance the financial status. There are two common challenges which are faced in market by those firms which are offering already existing products. First challenge is linked with quality matter as it is basic element to enhance the financial power of any firm in the market. Accordingly, second challenge is linked with price adjustment that should be performed with observance of market and other relevant firms. This scenario is helpful to make Peet`s Coffee and Tea products successful in the market. Cash and capital resources should be used for promotion of firm and this technique is the cause of making financial tasks achievable and winning without any reservation. With these resources, companies can enhance attraction level of consumers and this scenario is supportive to achieve success in financial backgrounds without any intricacy in the communal way of life. Concern of latest technologies is sensitive in the present age because this is related with production of favorable results in the social and commercial surroundings. This is fact that Peet`s Coffee and Tea product can be made fame in the market by the use of efficient technological innovations that are reachable for all humans without any complexity. This scenario is realizable with the instance

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Plastic Theatre in A Streetcar Named Desire

Plastic Theatre in A Streetcar Named Desire 1. Introduction â€Å"I don’t want realism. [] I want [] magic!† (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 130) It is Blanche DuBois who states this quotation in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire. In this drama from 1947, two worlds, embodied by the two characters of Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski, clash. That conflict between realism and a romantic view of things is visible through the whole play, increasing from scene to scene, and reaches its peak in Stanleys rape of Blanche in Scene Ten. After that suppression of the romanticism and with Blanche going to an asylum, one might think that the realistic point of view triumphs, but in my opinion her leaving and her acting, still relying on the kindness of strangers (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 159), leads to the impression of a survival of her fantasy world. She just escapes from the demonic night world and completes the cycle of romance (Thompson 28). But I dont think that her illusions win over Stanleys realism, as she is a Romantic protagonist committed to the ideal but living in the modern age, a broken world (Holditch 1 47). In Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire, things are not always called by their names, but he creates a sense of indirectness. With the aid of telling names and special attitudes of the characters, he caricatures a truth behind things. However, this is not restricted to the protagonists and their quotations, but also concerns the play itself, including the stage directions. The feeling of hidden truths is supported by effects and motifs, for example the adoption of light and music or the gestures of the actors. This realization of a play on a stage is called the Plastic Theatre, as the audience gets more involved through the use of different senses. This leads to a vivid impression of the feelings and thoughts of the protagonists. Williams himself created the term of the Plastic Theatre in his production notes to The Glass Menagerie. There he writes about a conception of a new, plastic theatre which must take the place of the exhausted theatre of realistic conventions if the theatre is to resume vitality as a part of our culture (Williams, Glass Menagerie 4). 2. Definitions To provide a solid basis for the following thoughts concerning the different characters of A Streetcar Named Desire and their points of view, I want to introduce and explain the two terms of realism and romanticism briefly. Both of them can also been seen as epochs in American Literature, but I just want to focus on the general statement. In addition, I want to expose further information about the idea of the Plastic Theatre. 2.1. Realism In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, realism is described as accepting and dealing with life and its problems in a practical way, without being influenced by feelings or false ideas. This means that one takes things as they are, evaluating situations only with the aid of the visible facts, not relying on false hopes or following non-realistic ideals. The human reason has, from a realistic viewpoint, a higher value and is more important than emotions or spontaneous impressions. 2.2. Romanticism The romantic perspective is in contrast to the realistic one. Romanticism is related to highly imaginative or impractical (Longman Dictionary, Romantic.) attitudes, admiring ideals which are not realistic or even unachievable. In romanticism, feelings and emotions are stated higher than rational thinking and human reason, not only in the context of love issues, but also in the way of dealing with situations and problems. Impressions are not based on visible facts, but on ideal conceptions, and these conceptions might be sometimes quite fictional or utopian. 2.3. The Plastic Theatre To express his universal truths Williams created what he termed plastic theater, a distinctive new style of drama. He insisted that setting, properties, music, sound, and visual effects all the elements of staging must combine to reflect and enhance the action, theme, characters, and language (Griffin 22). Like Griffin, many authors, including Tennessee Williams himself, tried to explain the Plastic Theatre, but it was barely discussed in public. After he established the idea of the Plastic Theatre in the production notes to The Glass Menagerie, Williams never publicly discussed it again. But from that moment on, his plays were very theatrical, with lyrical and poetic language, his scenic descriptions draw on metaphors from the world of art and painting and with quite symbolic use of sound and light (Kramer). 3. A Streetcar Named Desire: The Truth Behind Things In Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire, the audience gets the impression that facts are not just stated within the text, but between the lines. The characters are often described better through their behavior and gestures than through their actual quotations. From scene to scene it gets clearer that Blanche and Stanley are embodiments of two very contrasting viewpoints of life: extreme romanticism and down-to-earth realism. This is also visible through different symbolic motifs, which emerge various times in the play. Connected with a very evocative use of music and light and many telling names from the beginning on, the whole play seems conspicuously allusive. 3.1. Romanticism and Realism in A Streetcar Named Desire We are presented in A Streetcar Named Desire with two polar ways of looking at experience: the realistic view of Stanley Kowalski and the non-realistic view of his sister-in-law, Blanche DuBois (Kernan 17). Williams brings the two views into conflict immediately. 3.1.1. Blanche DuBois as the Romantic Protagonist When the audience meets Blanche, her appearance is described as incongruous to this setting (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 8). In Scene One she arrives at the Elysian Fields, where her sister Stella and her brother-in-law Stanley Kowalski live. Her clothes are white and fluffy, looking very delicate and as if she were arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 9). She is very shocked about the habitation of her sister and calls it a horrible place (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 13). The reader is confronted instantly with her deranged self-awareness, as she asks Stella to turn the merciless (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 13) light off, because she does not want to be looked at in the bright light. This behavior is visible through the whole play. Blanche always tries to avoid over-light and glare. Her vanity about her looks is also remarkable in the way Blanche presents her figure to her sister, fishing for compliments and stating that she has the same figure as she had ten years ago. (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 18). She often states very romantic quotations through the whole play, e.g. concerning the pretty sky where she ought to go [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] on a rocket that never comes down (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 44). When the relationship between Blanche and Mitch, a friend of Stanley, becomes more intimate, the audience gets an impression of Blanches romantic conception. She calls him her Rosenkavalier and wants him to bow, just like the gentlemen in the Old South would do (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 90). Although she was married once, she tries to behave like she would be untouched and a virgin, which she is obviously not. When Mitch says that he cannot understand French, she asks Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir? (Would you like to have sex with me tonight?) (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 95). The information about her past, that she had many men in a hotel called the Flamingo, and the way she speaks about her relationship with Mitch, that she does not love him, but just want a man with whom she can rest, brings certainty for the audience. So Blanches character can be described as a very romantic one. For her, outwardness is very important, and to appear very delicate and pure she is not afraid of telling lies. She is a fake, a person who likes to be better than she actually is, living in a fantasy world which has nothing to do with the real life. Already damaged by [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the harsh realities of disease and death, Blanches Romanticism is reduced in some moments to nothing more than sentimentality (Holditch 155). 3.1.2. Stanley Kowalski as the Realistic Protagonist Stanley Kowalski seems as the embodiment of a real man, opposed to or ignorant of the transcendent, very sexual and physical. When the audience gets in contact with him for the first time, he carries a package of meat and throws it to his wife Stella. He is described as strongly, compactly built. Animal joy in his being is implicit in all his movements and attitudes (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 24). His relationship to his wife is a very sexual one, as Stanley treats his wife in a very physical way and Stella states that she is very attracted to him. When Blanche leaves to the asylum and Stella cries, he consoles her by touching in a sexual way (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 160), which is characteristic of their relationship. His view of things is a very realistic one. When Blanche informs Stanley and Stella that she had lost the plantation of their parents, Belle Reve, Stanley thinks that in fact she did not lose it, but perhaps sold it and did not give them their part of the money. For him, this would be an affront against himself, as the property of his wife Stella is his own, too. He thinks Blanche bought jewelry, clothes like a solid-gold dress and Fox-pieces (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 32) from the returns of the plantation. In reality, the furs are inexpensive summer furs (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 33) and the jewelry is glass. This mistake is the mistake of the realist who trusts to literal appearance, to his senses alone (Kernan 18). Stanleys view of things, the realistic one, is the one which works in the modern, broken world. He embodies this harsh world with all its physical, material and sexual aspects. His strong appearance and his human reason is all he needs to get along in the real world. 3.1.3. Conflict between Romanticism and Realism The two points of view clash from the beginning of the play on until the end. Blanche embodies the romantic one, whereas Stanley stands for the realism. In the course of the play Williams manages to identify this realism with the harsh light of the naked electric bulb which Blanche covers with a Japanese lantern. It reveals pitilessly every line in Blanches face, every tawdry aspect of the set. And in just this way Stanleys pitiless and probing realism manages to reveal every line in Blanches soul by cutting through all the soft illusions with which she has covered herself (Kernan 18). Kernan explains very descriptive the relationship between the two protagonists. Stanley does not treat Blanche with much respect, which is visible through the way he talks about her bathing and her way of dressing. But also Blanche has an aversion to him, calling him sub-human something not quite to the stage of humanity yet (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 74). For her, Stanley is a threat, because he is able to destroy her fantasy world and to uncover her past and her real face. The conflict increases from scene to scene and reaches its peak in the rape of Blanche. Stanley has to prove his dominance and therefore rapes her to force his reality on her. But she is not broken after the rape, she is just even deeper in her fantasy world, which is shown by the way she trusts the doctor, holding tight to his arm, still depending on the kindness of strangers (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 159). Finally the audience gets the impression that the realistic point of view has the advantage of being workable. Blanches romantic way of looking at things, sensitive as it may be, has a fatal weakness: it exists only by ignoring certain positions of reality (Kernan 18). 3.2. The Plastic Theatre in A Streetcar Named Desire Williams tried to communicate circumstances not only by the acting of the protagonists, but also through symbols and various effects. The setting, lighting, props, costumes, sound effects, and music, along with the plays dominant symbols, the bath and the light bulb, provide direct access to the private lives of the characters (Corrigan 50). The many telling names in the play give additional information and enforce the impression of a truth behind things. In the following subchapters I want to discuss exemplary Blanches bathing, the adoption of music and sounds and the use of telling names. 3.2.1. Blanches Bathing Blanche bathes very often in this play. She obviously wants to clean herself from her past. After the bathing, she feels all freshly [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] and [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] like a brand new human being (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 35). Every time she is confronted with the real, brutal world, she wants to escape in her dream world, which is strongly connected with bathing. In Scene Three when the men have a Poker Night and Stanley gives a loud whack of his hand on Stellas thigh, she instantly says I think I will bathe (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 49). In Scene Seven, she bathes again, little breathless cries and peals of laughter are heard as if a child were frolicking in the tub (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 110), while Stanley tells Stella about Blanches past and her affairs with a seventeen-year-old boy and many other men. The title of the song Blanche sings while bathing is It Only a Paper Moon and it is described as a saccharine popular ballad which is used contrap unctually with Stanleys speech (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 106). Especially the verse - But it wouldnt be make-believe If you believed in me! (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 107) is very ironic, because Blanche does not seem very trustworthy at all, and so the song even accentuates her disreputable past. After the rape, she bathes again in Scene Eleven and is very worried about her hair, as if the soap would not be completely washed out. The many baths in the play show that Blanche will never be done with bathing, because she is always confronted with the real world and could not clean herself from her past. It gives her a brand new outlook on life (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 115), but cannot change her life really. 3.2.2. Music and Sounds The use of music and sounds is also very theatrical in the play. The Blue Piano expresses the spirit of the life which goes on (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 6) and is always heard when the conflict between real world and Blanches fantasy world seems to increase. It is heard, for example, when Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields and grows louder when she informs Stella about the loss of Belle Reve as well as when Stanley tells her that Stella is going to have a baby. It also suggests the fall of Blanche as it is swelling when Stanley rapes Blanche and afterwards when he consoles Stella, who cries because of Blanches leaving. Another music, which is strongly connected with Blanches past, is the polka music. It is always heard when Blanche talks about her dead husband. It emerges for the first time when Stanley mentions that Blanche was married once (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 28). She tells Mitch the story about her husbands death, he shot himself after dancing with Blanche in a casino. He was homosexual and she discovered him with another man and said while dancing he disgusted her (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 103) and therefore he shot himself. It also appears when Stanley gives Blanche a ticket back to Laurel where she lived and when he takes Stella to the hospital and Blanche remains in the flat. So the song predicts Blanches downfall, as it is always heard when she is haunted by her past. 3.2.3. Telling Names There are various telling names in Williams play. Blanches name itself is quite telling, as blanche is French and means white, which is very fitting when looking at her character. The name of her plantation, Belle Reve is also French, meaning beautiful dream. Blanche behaves like she would still live in this dream, refusing to face the truth and the real world. There are many more telling names, but I want to concentrate now on the perhaps most important one, the Streetcar Named Desire as it is the title of the play. Blanche takes the streetcar named Desire (Williams, Streetcar Named Desire 9) to get to the apartment of the Kowalskis. This is very telling itself, as the audience finds out more and more about her past and that she leaved Laurel as a broken woman somehow, but her desire to live her life as an elegant, trustworthy and honest woman is still present. So she tries to live a, for her, desirable life, and she hopes to find that in New Orleans. By the aid of the telling names, which are visible from the beginning of the play on, the use of music and the different symbols which appear often, it seems very theatrical and plastic. The audience gets an impression of the characters and the circumstances in various ways. 4. Conclusion In Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire, the conflict between Romanticism and Realism, embodied by the two protagonists Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski, is the major theme of the play. With the aid of the characterization of these protagonists and the explanation of the conflict between them I was able to verify this thesis. These two persons are very polarized, visible through their points of view, their behavior and gestures. But in the end, only one point of view is workable, namely the realistic one of Stanley. Blanche lives in her dream world, even in the end after her rape. Stanley is not able to crush her, but she can only survive in her romantic fantasy world, which leads to the impression that she cannot exist in the modern age. The Truth behind things in this play is also visible through the Plastic Theatre. Williams caricatured this hidden truth by the use of music and sounds, symbols and motifs, and telling names. My notions about Blanches bathing, the Blue Piano and the Polka in the play, and the telling names were exemplary for this plastic and sculptural theatre, and therefore I showed the existence of a truth behind things and that the term of the Plastic Theatre fits for A Streetcar Named Desire.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirty-Nine

Stefan hadn't had a plan when he agreed to stay in Matt's place. He just knew he had to save Matt, and now he hoped Damon would come for him. Stefan's wrists ached with a dul , throbbing insistent pain that was almost impossible for him to ignore. He tried once more to pul against the ropes that were holding him to the chair, turning his hands from left to right as far as he could to try and loosen his restraints, but it was hopeless. He couldn't shift them. He looked around dazedly. The room looked both serene and mysterious again now, as it had when he first kicked in the door. A good place for a secret society. Torches burned brightly, flowers were arranged around the makeshift altar. The Vitales had taken the time to clean up after binding him and kil ing the pledges. The ropes were crossed over his chest and stomach and wound around his back; his ankles and knees were tied to the chair legs, his elbows and wrists to the arms of the chair. He was Welltrussed, but it was the ones around his wrists that hurt most, because they lay against his bare skin. And they burned. â€Å"They're soaked in vervain so that you'l be too weak to break free, but I'm afraid it must sting a bit,† Ethan said pleasantly, as if he was explaining an interesting element of the secret chamber's architecture to his guest. â€Å"See, I may be new at this, but I know al the tricks.† Stefan rested his head against the back of the chair and looked at Ethan with fervent dislike. â€Å"Not all of the tricks, I suspect.† Ethan was cocky, but Stefan was pretty sure he hadn't been a vampire for very long. If Ethan was stil human, if he had never become a vampire, Stefan guessed he would look more or less the same as he did now. Ethan crouched down in front of Stefan's chair to look up into his face, wearing the same warm, friendly smile as when he'd tried to convince Stefan to join them. He looked like a pleasant fel ow, someone you wanted to relax with and trust, and Stefan glared at him. The smile was a lie. Ethan was a kil er whose mask was less obvious than those of the other Vitale vampires, that was al . â€Å"You're probably right about that,† Ethan said thoughtful y. â€Å"I imagine there are al kinds of tricks you've picked up in, what is it, more than five hundred years? Tricks that I don't know yet. You could be very useful to me in that way, if you decide to join us after al . There are lots of things you can teach us about al this vampire stuff.† He flashed that appealing smile again. â€Å"I've always been a good student.† Vampire stuff. â€Å"What do you want from me, Ethan?† Stefan asked wearily. It had been a long night, a long few weeks, and the vervain-soaked ropes were hurting his arms, muddying his thoughts. Ethan knew how old he was. Ethan knew what to offer him when they first talked about the Vitale Society. It wasn't a coincidence that he was the one in this room, then; Ethan wasn't looking for just any vampire. â€Å"What's your plan here?† Stefan asked. Ethan's smile grew wider. â€Å"I'm building an invincible vampire army, of course,† he said cheerful y. â€Å"I know it sounds a little ridiculous, but it's al about power. And power's never ridiculous.† He licked his lips nervously, showing a flash of thin pink tongue. â€Å"See, I used to just be one of the ordinary little people. I was just like everyone else on campus. My biggest achievements were good grades on exams or the fact that I had the leadership of some secret col ege club. You wouldn't believe how lame the Vitale Society used to be. Just white magic and nature worship.† He made a little self-deprecating grimace: See how silly I was once. I'm telling you something embarrassing about myself, so trust me. â€Å"But then I figured out how to get some real power.† One of the black-clad figures came up behind Ethan, and Ethan held up a finger to Stefan. â€Å"Hang on a sec, okay?† He rose and turned to talk to his lieutenant. After tying Stefan up, Ethan had efficiently gone back to draining the pledges, one after another, dropping the bodies as soon as he finished with them. They had al gone through their transitions now and were back on their feet. They seemed irritable and disoriented, growling and snapping at one another and gazing at Ethan with undisguised adoration. Typical new vampires. Stefan eyed them warily. Until they had fed thoroughly, they would hover on the brink of madness, and it would be easy for Ethan to lose control of them. Then they would be even more dangerous. â€Å"The pledges need to eat,† Ethan said calmly to the robed woman behind him. â€Å"Five of you should take them out and teach them how to hunt. You lead the hunting party and pick whoever you want to go with you. The rest wil stay here and help guard our guest.† Stefan watched as the Vitales sorted themselves out. Eight of Ethan's fol owers remained, stationing themselves by the sides of the room. Stefan had managed to kil one other during the fight, ripping her throat out, but the body had been tidied away somewhere. Stefan gave a little involuntary moan. It was hard to think straight – he was so tired, and the vervain was starting to hurt him al over, not just on his aching wrists, but anywhere the ropes touched him through his clothes. Damon, please come quickly. Please, Damon, he thought. â€Å"You're going to unleash nine newly made vampires on the campus?† he asked Ethan, his mind snapping back to the matter at hand. â€Å"Ethan, they'l kill people. People who were your friends, maybe. You'l draw attention to yourselves. There are already police al over campus. Please, take them to the woods to hunt animals. They can live on animal blood.† He heard a pleading note enter his own voice as Ethan only smiled absently at him, as if he was a child begging to go to Disneyland. â€Å"Come on, Ethan, it hasn't been very long since you were a human, too. You can't want to stand by and have innocent students murdered.† Ethan shrugged, patting Stefan lightly on the shoulder as he started to walk over to confer with another of his henchmen. â€Å"They need to be strong, Stefan. I want them at their peak by the next equinox. And we've kil ed plenty of innocent students already,† he said over his shoulder. â€Å"Equinox? Ethan,† Stefan shouted after him in frustration. He looked frantical y at the door by which the pledges and their escort had left. It would take them a while to select victims. Not as many students were walking the campus alone at night these days. If he could get free, if Damon came now and freed him, they could stil stop the slaughter. If al these brand-new vampires were al owed loose on campus, there would be a massacre. Ethan couldn't have changed the rest of the Vitale Society al at once, he realized. The number of murders they would have committed newly made as a group would have been impossible to disguise as a few disappearances. This must have been the first mass initiation. And who had made Ethan? he wondered. Was there an older vampire somewhere on campus? Damon, where are you? He had no doubt that Damon would come if he could. Despite their rift over Elena, things had changed enough between him and Damon that he knew he could rely on his brother to rescue him. He had saved him before, after al , when they fought Katherine, when they fought Klaus. There was something rock solid between them now, something that wasn't there a year ago, or in the hundreds of years before that. He closed his eyes and heard himself give a dry, painful chuckle. It seemed like an inopportune moment to start having revelations about his own family issues. â€Å"So,† Ethan said chattily, returning to his side and pul ing up a chair, â€Å"we were talking about the equinox.† â€Å"Yes,† Stefan said, an acid bite to his tone. He wasn't going to let Ethan see how he was yearning toward the door, expectant. He needed to keep his cool, so that Damon could have the element of surprise on his side. He should keep Ethan talking, keep him distracted in case Damon came, so he fixed an expression of interest on his face and looked at Ethan attentively. â€Å"At the time of the equinox, when day and night are perfectly balanced, the line between life and death is at its most weak and permeable. This is the time when spirits can cross between the worlds,† Ethan began dramatical y, moving one hand in a wide sweep. Stefan sighed. â€Å"I know that, Ethan,† he said impatiently. â€Å"Just cut to the chase.† He might have to keep Ethan distracted, but surely he didn't have to feed his ego. Ethan dropped his hand. â€Å"You remember Klaus, don't you?† he asked. â€Å"The originator of your bloodline? We're resurrecting him. With him at the head of our ranks, we'l be invincible.† Everything went stil for a moment, as if Stefan's slow-beating heart had final y stopped. Then he sucked in a breath. He felt as if Ethan had punched him in the face. He couldn't speak for a moment. When he could, he gasped, â€Å"Klaus? Klaus the vampire who†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He couldn't even finish the sentence. His mind was ful of Klaus: the Old One, the Original vampire, the mad man. The vampire who had control ed lightning, who had bragged that he had not been made, that he just was. In Klaus's earliest memories, he had told Stefan, he carried a bronze axe; he was a barbarian at the gate, among those who destroyed the Roman Empire. He claimed that he began the race of vampires. Klaus had held Elena's spirit hostage and tortured innocent Vickie Bennett to death for fun. He turned Katherine, first into a vampire, then into a cruel dol instead of a person, changed her until she was vicious and mindless, eager only to torment those she once loved. Stefan, Damon, and Elena kil ed him at last, but it was nearly impossible, would have been impossible without the spirits of a battalion of unquiet ghosts from the Civil War tied to the blood-soaked battlegrounds of Fel ‘s Church. â€Å"Klaus who made the vampire who made you,† Ethan said cheerful y. â€Å"It was another of his descendants who I found in Europe this summer on my trip abroad. I convinced her to turn me into a vampire. She taught me some tricks, too, like how to use vervain, and how lapis lazuli can protect us from the sun. I put lapis lazuli in the pins we wear now, so al the members have it on them at al times. She was very helpful, this vampire who changed me. And she told me al about Klaus.† He smiled warmly at Stefan again. â€Å"See, you should like me, Stefan. We're practical y cousins.† Stefan shut his eyes for a moment. â€Å"Klaus was insane,† he tried to explain. â€Å"He won't work with you, he'l destroy you.† Ethan sighed. â€Å"I real y think I can work it out with him, though,† he said. â€Å"I'm very persuasive. And I'm offering him soldiers. I hear he likes war. There's no reason for him to turn us down; we want to give him everything he wants.† He paused and looked at Stefan, stil smiling, but there was a note now in that wide smile that Stefan didn't like, a false innocence. Whatever Ethan was going to ask Stefan now, he already knew the answer. â€Å"Does this mean you're not interested in joining our army, cousin?† he asked with mock surprise. Gritting his teeth, Stefan strained against the ropes once more, but they didn't budge. He glared up at Ethan. â€Å"I won't help you,† he said. â€Å"Never.† Ethan came closer, bent down until his face was level with Stefan's. â€Å"But you wil help,† he said lightly, a trace of self-satisfaction in his eyes. â€Å"Whether you want to or not. See, what I need most of al to bring back Klaus is blood.† He ran his hands through his curls, shaking his head. â€Å"It's always blood for this kind of thing, have you noticed?† he added. â€Å"Blood?† asked Stefan uneasily. Young vampires were never sane, in his opinion – the initial rush of new senses and Powers were enough to bewilder anyone. He was starting to think, though, that Ethan's grasp on sanity might not have been that strong to begin with. He'd convinced someone to turn him into a vampire? â€Å"The blood of his descendants, specifical y.† Ethan nodded smugly. â€Å"That's why I was so delighted to find that you were right here on campus. I made a hobby of tracking down the descendants of Klaus this summer, after I'd talked the first one I met into changing me into what she was. Some of them gave me blood wil ingly, when they heard what I wanted to do. Not al of Klaus's descendants are as ungrateful as you. I only need a little more, and then I'l have enough. Yours, of course,† and his eyes flicked up toward the door that Stefan had been surreptitiously watching al this time, waiting for Damon, â€Å"and your brother's. I assume he'l be here any minute?† Stefan's heart plummeted, and he stared openly at the door. Damon, please stay away, he thought desperately.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

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