Saturday, November 30, 2019

Maddie Klitz Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers

Maddie Klitz 05-03-17 English 2nd Best Takeaway from Auburn In my four years at Auburn I would have to say my most memorable takeaway was being apart of Student Council. I joined student council my sophomore year at the recommendation of a former friend. I wasn't very involved when I first joined because I felt like an outsider. As the year went on I began to play an integral role on the council as "Media Consultant". At the end of year we lost our advisor but Mr. Basque stepped in. Junior year became a rebuilding year as Mr. Basque wanted to start from scratch to make our council apart of something larger;I became Vice President while Eunice became President. Last year was really when I felt that leadership was something I wa nted to learn more about . Student Council became the thing I looked forward to most at school, I was surrounded by kids who had the same vision as I did; make this school somewhere that we can all feel safe and have fun. I planned the entirety of homecoming last year and that was when I realized how little sle ep the human body needs to function. Because of student council I have realized that fact quite a few times. Last year we began red ribbon week, Breakfast with Santa, winter formal, Easter egg hunt, and teacher appreciation week at Auburn. Auburn also became a member of the Illinois Association of Student Councils (IASC) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). I attended my first LEADership conference in Chicago and it was an invigorating experience. Three days surrounded by S tudent C ouncil and NHS's from around the world, I learned so much and returned knowing that I wanted to make our council apart of something larger. I ended last year with attending the IASC convention to elect the next year's state executive board and becoming president of our own S tudent C ouncil. I finally felt as though I belonged somewhere in this school, senior year has been a blast all because of this one extracurricular activity. I again had t he opportunity to plan a homecoming I wa s proud of, every detail was confirmed by me and although I was exhausted by the dance the feedback received made it all worth it. I was able to be part of a group of kids committed to this school and projects I put in front of them. After the conclusion of our highly successful Breakfast with Santa student council was invited to attend the team building winter retreat for our North Central District (NCD). I was able to get to know and network with schools in our area, which showed just how connected this simple extracurricular really is. Attending my second LEAD conference with an even larger and committed group of students was another great experience. I was able to network with even more people and catch up with old friends from so many parts of the country, including kids I had met at IASC and NCD. I am now closing out my year as president and it has been amazing not only from my perspective but from all the positive messages I've received this year. I attended my last IASC conference last week and it was a bittersweet moment. Auburn was selected as an Illinois S tate H onor C ouncil and to host the state conference in 2019, and I couldn' t be more proud of my advisor. At this conference I was also recognized along with four Student Council peers from around the state to receive the pillar award, my particular pillar was leadership and dedication and I couldn't have been more proud of myself. The last three years S tudent C ouncil has become more than just a club for me; it's become a way of life. My advisor has become my second father and a close family friend of my parents. My fellow members have become my dysfunctional siblings and my VP this year, Daybreon Leach, has become my other half that keeps me grounded no matter how stressed I get . The takeaway from Student Council isn't just the leadership and communication

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The conquest of ireland essays

The conquest of ireland essays ENGLISH IMPERAIALISM UNDER HENRY II In 1155 Pope Adrian IV issued a significant bull that changed the history of Ireland and England forever. The papal bull issued gave Henry II, King of England (1154-1189), the right to conquer Ireland . Ireland has gained and lost as a result of English rule. It was rewarded with a stronger Church and a more centralized government. It lost some of its cultural values and customs, as well as its own system government for example; its clan-based hierarchy was removed. Henry IIs control of Ireland was not solely based on the word of Adrian IV, there were a number of nobles who made it possible. One of the most important was Dermot MacMurrough, the king of Linster (an Irish city-state). Linster held in its bounds the main port city between Ireland and England. Being the King of Linster MacMurrough had control over trade and all other maritime activities of Ireland while he was king. Because of their close proximity, trade, and other maritime activity MacMurrough and Henry II developed a close relationship . Shortly after Adrian IV issued the bull, MacMurrough went to Henry II asking for help because he had been banished from Ireland his other Irish nobles. Henry II saw the weak Irish government and the internal quarrels that it created as an opportunity to act on the bull issued to him and agreed to help MacMurrough. Henry II wrote a letter to MacMurrough upon hearing his request for assistance; it is the best evidence of such sentiment. "Henry, king of England, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to all his liegemen, English, Normans, Welsh, and Scots, and to all other nations subject to his dominion, Sendeth, greeting, Whensoever these our letters shall come unto you, know ye that we have received Dermitius [Dermot], prince of Leinster, unto our grace and favor, -Wherefore, whosoever within the bounds of our territories shall be willing to give him aid, as...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States

Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States Andrew Johnson (December 29, 1808–July 31, 1875) was the seventeenth president of the United States. He took office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 and was president through the contentious early days of Reconstruction. His vision of Reconstruction was rejected and his presidency was not successful. He was impeached by Congress, averting removal from office by one vote, and was not re-nominated in the following election. Fast Facts: Andrew Johnson Known For:  Seventeenth president of the United States, impeachmentBorn:  December 29, 1808 in Raleigh, North CarolinaParents: Jacob Johnson and Mary Polly McDonough JohnsonDied:  July 31, 1875 in Carters Station, TennesseeEducation: Self-educatedSpouse: Eliza McCardleChildren: Martha, Charles, Mary, Robert, and Andrew Jr.Notable Quote: Honest conviction is my courage; the Constitution is my guide. Early Life and Education Andrew Johnson was born on December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, North Carolina. His father died when Johnson was 3 years old and his mother soon remarried. Johnson was raised in poverty. Both he and his brother William were bound out by their mother as indentured servants to a tailor, working for their food and lodging. In 1824, the brothers ran away, breaking their contract after two years. The tailor advertised a reward for anyone who would return the brothers to him, but they were never captured. Johnson then moved to Tennessee and worked in the tailors trade. He never attended school and he taught himself to read. In 1827, Johnson married Eliza McCardle when he was 18 and she was 16. She was well-educated and tutored him to help him improve his arithmetic and reading and writing skills. Together they had three sons and two daughters.   Rapid Rise in Politics At age 17, Johnson opened his own successful tailor shop in Greenville, Tennessee. He would hire a man to read to him as he sewed and he took an increasing interest in the Constitution and famous orators. Showing political ambition from an early age, Johnson was elected the mayor of Greenville at age 22 (1830–1833). A Jacksonian Democrat, he then served two terms in the Tennessee House of Representatives (1835–1837, 1839–1841). In 1841 he was elected as a Tennessee state senator. From 1843–1853 he was a U.S. representative. From 1853–1857 he served as governor of Tennessee. Johnson was elected in 1857 to be a U.S. senator representing Tennessee. Dissenting Voice While in Congress, Johnson supported the  Fugitive Slave Act  and the right to own slaves. However, when states started to secede  from the Union in 1861, Johnson was the only southern senator who did not agree. Because of this, he retained his seat. Southerners viewed him as a traitor. Ironically, Johnson saw both secessionists and abolitionists as enemies to the Union. During the war, in 1862, Abraham Lincoln made Johnson the military governor of Tennessee. Becoming the President When President Lincoln ran for reelection in 1864, he chose Johnson as his vice president. Lincoln chose him to help balance the ticket with a Southerner who was also pro-Union. Johnson became president upon Abraham Lincolns assassination on April 15, 1865, just six weeks after Lincolns inauguration. Reconstruction Upon succeeding to the presidency, President Johnson attempted to continue with Lincolns vision of  Reconstruction. To heal the nation, Lincoln and Johnson both prioritized leniency and forgiveness for those who seceded from the Union. Johnsons Reconstruction plan would have allowed Southerners who swore an oath of allegiance to the federal government to regain citizenship. He also favored a relatively quick return of power to the states themselves. These conciliatory measures were never really given a chance by either side. The South resisted extending any civil rights to blacks. The ruling party in Congress, the  Radical Republicans, believed Johnson was being far too lenient and was allowing former rebels too much of a role in the new governments of the South. The Radical Republican plans for Reconstruction were more severe. When the  Radical Republicans  passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866, Johnson vetoed the bill. He did not believe that the North should force its views on the South, but instead favored allowing the South to determine its own course. His vetoes on this and 15 other bills were overridden by the Republicans. These were the first instances of presidential vetoes being overridden.  Most white Southerners also opposed Johnsons vision of Reconstruction. Alaska In 1867, Alaska was purchased in what was called Sewards Folly. The United States purchased the land from Russia for $7.2 million upon Secretary of State  William Sewards  advice. Even though many saw it as folly at the time, it eventually proved to have been a very wise investment. Alaska provided the United States with gold and oil, increased the size of the country drastically, and removed Russian influence from the North American continent. Impeachment And continual conflicts between the Congress and the president eventually led to the impeachment trial of President Johnson.  In 1868, the  House of Representatives  voted to impeach President Andrew Johnson for dismissing his  Secretary of War Stanton  against the order of the Tenure of Office Act, which they had just passed in 1867. Johnson became the first president to be impeached while in office. (The second president would be  Bill Clinton.) Upon impeachment, the Senate is required to vote to decide if a president should be removed from office. The Senate voted against this by only one vote. Post-Presidential Period In 1868, after just one term, Johnson was not nominated to run for the presidency. He retired to Greeneville, Tennessee. He attempted to re-enter the U.S. House and Senate but lost both elections. In 1875, he ran for the Senate again and was elected. Death Soon after taking office as U.S. senator, Johnson died on July 31, 1875. He had suffered a stroke while visiting family in Carters Station, Tennessee. Legacy Johnsons presidency was full of strife and dissension. He disagreed with much of the population and leadership on how to administer Reconstruction. As evidenced by his impeachment and the close vote which almost removed him from office, he was not respected and his vision of Reconstruction was disdained. Most historians see him as a weak and even failed president, however his time in office saw the Alaska purchase and, in spite of him, the passage of both the 13th and 14th amendments: freeing the slaves and extending rights to the former slaves. Sources Castel, Albert E. The Presidency of Andrew Johnson. Regents Press of Kansas, 1979.Gordon-Reed, Annette.  Andrew Johnson. The American Presidents Series. Henry Holt and Company, 2011.â€Å"Life Portrait of Andrew Johnson.† C-Span.Trefousse, Hans L. Andrew Johnson: A Biography. Norton, 1989

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interpreting the OT Prophets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interpreting the OT Prophets - Research Paper Example Prophetic interpretation is a practical matter. Therefore, the interpretations of the contents must be in line with the use of specific insight that is accessible to the society in order for the message to be convincible. This interpretation inspires the faith that is inclined to God and not to the prophet himself. Prophetic interpretation involves basing personal arguments, personal teachings and understandings on what the scripture says. The sayings of the scripture must be in line with what people can see by themselves in translation to commonly available things. It is essential to examine the grammar, words and flow of paragraphs. Prophesy supports more fundamental goals rather than being an end in itself. The purpose of prophesy must be in-line with God’s objective of dealing with humanity. God’s purpose is to reconcile us with him by providing us with salvation through Christ Jesus. This must be the greatest objective of prophesy. It must instruct us on the right channel to follow in obtaining the salvation in faith. In the context of Jeremiah chapter 2 verses 14 to 28; the prophet that the only reason that will cause Israel to fall a prey to its enemies will be as a result of infidelity to her divine spouse. This passage is based on prophetic relationship between God and his people. God relates with his people in a way that is represented in the bible as marriage relationship. God being the head and husband while the people being the church represented as the woman. Therefore, this passage refers to infidelity to illuminate the understanding that the wrong acts of Israelites will be similar to infidelity which in turn has a law that accepts for divorce. 2 This message is easily understood and remembered by the Israelites because it uses the practice aspect of marriage. The marriage practice and its consequences both positive and negative are common and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Corporations are a threat to environment Research Paper

Corporations are a threat to environment - Research Paper Example This research defines environmental pollution as an unfavorable variation of our surrounding through direct or indirect influence, causing changes in radiation levels, energy patterns, physical and chemical composition of our environment. Environmental pollution can occur naturally or in can be artificial (Antonescu & Mateescu, 2001). Due to this fact it can be said that the environmental pollution caused by corporations in U.S is artificial. Air, water and soil pollution caused by coporations can have health implications to the population living around the industries. Deaths and billions of dollars are lost in medical expenses caused by air pollution (Milton & Rahman, 1999). Industries are known to emit gases such as CFCs and metal ions such as Lead, nickel, copper and iron. These substances can find their way to livestock and contaminate the meat that humans are going to consume (Sabir et al, 2003). The goal of this research is to determine the implication of the pollutants that ar e emitted by corporations. It will also try to aim at investigating whether there are enough measure set in a corporation to recycle their waste as a ration to control pollution. This research aims to answers the following research question: If the hypothesis will be accepted, it will be prudent for the policy makers to formulate policies that will control environmental pollutions caused by these corporations. These will make the morbidity or mortality rates caused by pollution caused by corporation to decrease adversely.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Concept-mapping software Essay Example for Free

Concept-mapping software Essay Indeed, should it be of necessity or required for students to evaluate, collate and compute data in all work prescription in class, important machinery to achieve this must be recommended as part of the needed gadget. (Zardoya, 2001). Business researchers are similarly concerned with the question of whether or not the introduction of information technology leads to increased output, excellent evaluation in reasoning and advantageous edge of counterparts (Al-Gahtani, 2003). ICT this is an acronyms for Information and Communication and technology, constituting system hardware and software that enhance data resource for use in many applications. Internet inclusive with provision of world wide web. (Clark et al. , 2005). That is, we need to shift focus from robotic use of technology. The quest should rather be innovative ways of information technology to massively enhance the gains and ease of studies at all levels(p. 4). Overall, CACSR makes provision for students through interaction with the surroundings. This possibly ensure a sustained focus at the same time educating students on skills as they read expository text passages (Kim et al. ,). Studies have shown that â€Å"educational technology that includes dictionary components has been used successfully to promote literacy skill development among elementary school students† (Fry Gosky, 2007). In analyzing the study, a researcher suggested that writer’s with back up soft copy in CD-ROM provides more strategy towards enhancing the problem of elaboration from close by tutor. The soft copy leaves the students independent of the teacher to a greater extent than none (Fry Gosky). QuickSmart is a computer-assisted program designed to improve the self-improving ability of students who are face with challenges of grabbing problem most expecially in their mid-year at school (Graham Bellert, et al. , 2007,). Based on an information –analyzing point of intuitive processings, QuickSmart was intended to be a elaborated dealings with attention on the primary learning skills needed to do well in assimilating classroom instruction. (Graham Bellert, et al). It is a Concept-mapping software, or webbing, in that students are permitted to build up strategic maps with the aid of specific programs (Marchinko, 2004,). Concept-mapping software has been used in middle school science classes for example, to help students juxtapose the similarities and differences in plant and animal cells, and in writing class to help students brainstorm. Teachers also use concept-mapping software to give a clue or insight in the direction of the lesson (Marchinko,). The KidTools computer programs as also an electronic performer. It is an aiding technique that focus on behavior and academic performance support software for students with studying default (Miller Fitzgerald, 2007, p. 13). A cognitive-behavioral modification program, KidTools is one of several programs with increased usage recorded within the last two decades owing to their efficacy reports over time (Miller Fitzgerald. RockSim is a rocket design program for middle school science class, which â€Å"takes students along the path of technology that enhance the design of their own rockets and simulation performance (Wilson, 2005,). Finally, BodyFun on its own is a computer game that perfectly educate on nutrition and other health awareness (Geiger, et al. , 2002,). In a test of BodyFun among the middle class of school age, the resource and the technical requirements of the schemes is high, in addition to its acceptability among the study environment, it gives a good result (Geiger Petri, et al. ,). Education is feeling pressure to respond to a mandate to improve the engagement-level of classrooms, due to surveys which repeatedly find middle school students especially characterize traditional classes as cold (Taylor Duran, 2006, p. 11). Overall, most classrooms continue to implement instructional practices. The practice has the main essence of textbooks studying and facts cramming with subsequent commitment to memory (Taylor Duran,). As a result, many researchers have called for a move from the usual teaching to a constructive approach in methods (Taylor Duran, p. 11). In most classes, this entails increasing the students’ abilities of inquiry, and this can be enhanced through implementation with the most suiting instruments (Taylor Duran, p . 11). One teacher reports that her middle school students have become mastery of executing video projects and slide shows, this demonstrate they have learnt (Crawford, 2005, p. 2). InFocus projectors produced a difference that was similar to that of darkness and light with improved class presentation and involvement (Crawford, p. 1). Studies have shown that students who use computers to write reports recorded a higher performance compared to those who do not attempt the use of computer (Taylor Duran, 2006, p. 10). One study found that teachers who made regular use of PowerPoint presentations felt more confident in their ability to teach and assist students’ competence in using multimedia projection and even other similar method of sophisticated learning (Taylor Duran, p. 13). Video streaming is another technology being used in some classrooms (Whitaker, 2003), while some K-12 classrooms are even experimenting with robotics activities to enhance student the convergence of literacy instruction (for example) with Internet technologies is fundamentally reshaping the nature of literacy instruction as teachers seek to prepare children for the futures they deserve engagement in lessons (Williams Ma, et al. , 2007, p. 201), although most reports on the usefulness of robotics is anecdotal in nature and evidence is still required to demonstrate the effectiveness of using robotics in achieving study aims (Williams et al. , p. 201). Now, many believe that â€Å"† (Witte, 2007, p. 93). A threaded discussion group is a series of rotations on a subject (Grisham Wolsey, p. 651). The study found that through threaded discussion, student engagement was increased. This was because an environment found more friendly were self created and fits appropriately with other peers. Therefore each of them have equal dominion of the conversation (Grisham Wolsey, p. 649). Though acknowledging that one of the serious drawbacks to the Web is that students often become lost trying to navigate through â€Å"data smog† (Trotter, 2004, p. 1). The MyAccess program is an internet oriented writing scheme that expressly rewards write-up and supplies correct instruction for students at a middle school in Georgia (Ullman, 2006, p. 76). The program was found to not only relieve teachers much of their paper correcting burden, but also to have permitted immediate report even in more detail that scores it a preferred quality of writing (Ullman, p. 76). Another project reported in the literature was the creation of a website which supported students and average school teachers drawing out a convergence between science and literature within the limited surroundings (Howes Hamilton, 2003, p. 454). WebQuest is another â€Å"powerful instrument† for teachers to use in improving the engagement level of students in their class (Lipscomb, 2003, p. 154). Though relatively new, stakeholders in education are praising its value and facilitate more use (Lipscomb, 2003, p. 153). The important pedagogical purpose of a WebQuest is that it provides tangible experience for students, both with the technology and in the subject matter being explored (Lipscomb, p. 154). More recently, other schools are experimenting with the use of blogs, or web logs, to enhance learning. Witte (2007) pushed for establishment of blog discussion method on the present inter-school network in order to further engage students in learning (p. 95). Witte (2007) decided that blogs were an important go-between among class and students when he found out that, while some students indicated some interest in the period of writing and homework, they were reported, by their parents, to be â€Å"on the computer writing essays and poems for hours each night† (Witte, p. 92). A theory was devised as to why diffusion was so slow, with explanations centering on methods used by farmers in generating information on discoveries, and how they direct this in helping their appropriate usage (Rogers, p. 14). Diffusion theory can help educators understand why technology is and is not adopted in classrooms (Surry, 1997). Other researchers have adopted the diffusion model to counteract the increasing consciousness about how discovered instructive materials have been rendered fallow (Minishi-Majanja Kiplang’at, p. 4). Indeed, Al-Gahtani’s (2003) literature review revealed 75 articles in which perceived attributes were measured, with the overall result being that agreement and comparative merit attained highest ratings when they were instituted. Complexity was on the other hand negative on its procedural acceptance (p. 59). While determinists can be either utopian or dystopian (Marx, McCluhan and Toffler versus Ellul, Orwell or Luddites), all determinists see technology as an independent force out of human control. The equally view technology as the sole engine of social change (Surry, 1997, p. 6). In education, developer-based theory results in top-down technology-based reform initiatives such as Goals 2000, which target the diversity of educational change through proposition of a new system with improved hybrid (Surry, p. 7). Overall, â€Å"the instructional development process† is of the assumption that technological improved hybrid will suffice the only condition necessary to attract participation of innovative practices. (Surry, p. 7). Adopter-based theoreticians such as Ernest Burkman are prone to point out situations where a technologically superior innovation was rejected by users because of the strength of â€Å"human, interpersonal and social factors†. These factors play an importance role in adopting proposed technological superiority† (Surry, p. 11). Another by-product of adopter-based theory is the study of revenge effects, which occur when new establishments, movements and organisms react with real in a factual but unforeseen situation (Surry, p. 11). Indeed, prediction and accounting for likely results to be caused by an innovation is an integral component of many â€Å"adopter-based diffusion theories† (Surry, p. 11). Large scale market forces such as sector growth, volatility and concentration of markets have also been of use in acceptance of technology (Park et al. , p. 1480). Subjective norm is another strong construction developed along this line of research. Subjective norm is defined as an individual’s believe that perhaps exist in contrast to other people. Subjective norm has been shown to strongly influence adoption of technology, especially if use is mandatory and not voluntary (Park O’Brien, et al. , p. 1480). All of this feeds into instruction through the lens of constructivism, or the belief that learning happens in a deliberate effort to construct a â€Å"public entity†, be it the simplest of task where resources are in abundance or a more complex assignment (Williams Ma, et al. , 2007). In this context, technology is used in education to create a system whereby that enhance â€Å"study by making† and â€Å"study by design† (Williams Ma, et al. ,). Various programs along these lines include efforts to have children design computer games, and promote studying with â€Å"programmable bricks† (Williams et al). Thus, from the constructivist point of view, the availability of computer systems in learning rooms does not attach huge significance as presently being in used (Sheumaker Slate,). Integration of computers is deemed successful only when students learn with the computer system and not the reverse (Sheumaker Slate, et al. , p. 3) Finally, reinforcing this model is the ecological model of technology integration in education. According to this model, technologies are only acting in a social settings, incorporated within the events of learning processes (Kupperman Fishman, 2002,). Through the use of new tools we develop new literacies, and from use or non-use are discovered as being â€Å"full, subsidiary or un-involving class members (Kupperman Fishman,). Mention of the word â€Å"actor† enlists actor-network theory into these models as well. According to this model, the social globe is materially diverse and consists of a interconnected chains of animate and inanimate participants who only interact and negotiate for rules imposition through series of deliberations and alliances (Samarawickrema Stacey, 2007). In order to have their way, these various actors may use bargaining, lobbying, subtle computation and at the extreme, violence (Samarawickrema Stacey,).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Peter Cook and E. E. Cummings Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Peter Cook and E. E. Cummings      Ã‚  Ã‚   Contemporary poets have made interesting additions to modern and post-modern poetry as a collective whole. They have given unique insights into the nature of modern poetry and provided a broader understanding into the purpose and concept of poetry as an art form. One contemporary poet of importance is Peter Cook.    Peter Cook is a contemporary deaf ASL poet. He incorporates American Sign Language, mime, dance, and storytelling into his performance of his poetry, which is written in American Sign Language and translated into written or spoken English. For instance, in the Flying Words Project, he performed his poetry in ASL while Kenny Lerner performed the same poetry orally (A Deaf Poetics). The most interesting aspect of his poetry is the visual aspect of his performance of it. Seeing the words on the page is not enough to understand any of his poems, but they must be seen, ideally with an understanding of ASL (Graz erzÃ…  hlt). One of his poems performed during the Flying Words project was videotaped.    poetry poetry poetry is shot . . . circling, revolving, exploding hits the open window . . . and it tastes delicious it's loaded into the magnum and is shot back into your heart poetry is the painter and the portrait . . . (The Best Minds of Our Generation)    To watch this performed, however, is a much different experience than simply hearing it voiced. This is similar to some of E. E. Cummings' poems which are visually arranged on the page in such as way to enhance the meaning of the poem aside from simply hearing the words aloud. Cummings' use of punctuation and spacing, breaking up words and carefully arra... ...ed to modern poetry as a form of expression. While pre-modern and classical poetry often focused on rhyme and meter, two poetic devices which have no meaning to deaf poetry, modern poetry has provided a much freer view of poetry that also looks at poetry as a visual art form. This view was, in part, brought about by the works of such poets as E. E. Cummings, and evolved into such intriguing projects as the Visual Words project at RIT, and the Flying Words project of Peter Cook.    Sources Cited: Cummings, E. E. Selected Poems. Liveright, New York. 1994., Graz erzÃ…  hlt 2001, A Deaf Poetics, part III - Poetry - 6/10/97, The Best Minds of Our Generation (The Allen Ginsberg video is interesting, too)   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project

Short Article-Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project 1. Classify and describe the problems Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center. What was the role of information systems and information management in these problems? The information technology based problems that Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center are use of paperwork, lost records, incomplete or incorrect date, lack of specific procedures for transferring data, no process for tracking or responding to patient complaints.The people problems were that the employees had little guidance and training related to their job requirements, and lacked prior experience with transplant program. Further, the employees that worked on processing transplant information were overworked and put in 10 to 16 hour days as they had to cope up with large amounts of information. The organizational problems were the company did not anticipate the personnel requirements of their new project. There was little gu idance given to employees and there was little executive governance to correct procedural problems.There was no attempt to identify and define the processes required to ensure a smooth transition from external transplant to in-house program. Information systems and management had an important role to play there were no procedures to transfer data on the patients to the United Network for Organ Sharing. There were no processes for tracking or responding to patient complaints/requests. Further, there were no procedures for transferring data to the United Network for Organ Sharing which oversees transplant waiting lists.Further, there were no directions sent the patients what they were supposed to do with consent forms. >>> Masalah TI yg Kaiser hadapi dalam mendirikan pusat transplantasi adalah : †¢penggunaan dokumen, catatan hilang, tanggal lengkap atau tidak benar, †¢kurangnya prosedur khusus untuk mentransfer data, tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pas ien. †¢Masalah pd umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan memiliki sedikit panduan dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan persyaratan pekerjaan mereka, dan tidak memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya dengan program transplantasi. Lebih lanjut, karyawan yang bekerja pada pengolahan informasi transplantasi yang terlalu banyak bekerja dan dimasukkan ke dalam 10 sampai 16 jam sehari karena mereka harus mengatasi dengan sejumlah besar informasi. Masalah organisasi adalah †¢perusahaan tidak mengantisipasi kebutuhan personil proyek baru mereka. †¢Hanya sedikit petunjuk yang diberikan kepada karyawan †¢Sedikit tindakan Eksekutif (manajemen) dalam memperbaiki masalah prosedural. †¢Tidak ada upaya untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan proses yang diperlukan untuk memastikan transisi yang mulus dari transplantasi eksternal untuk kepada program di-rumah.Sistem informasi dan manajemen memiliki peran penting untuk dilakukan †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data pada pasien kepada UNOS. Tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pasien / permintaan. †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data keUNOS yang bertugas mengawasi daftar tunggu transplantasi. †¢Tidak ada informasi yang diberikan kepada pasien apa yang harus mereka lakukan dengan formulir persetujuan 2. What were the people, organization, and technology factors responsible for those problems?There was little communication from the management to the employees; the employees were not organized properly. There was no leadership provided to the project and no measure in place to motivate employees. The people problem was that employees were not trained. Lacked experience, and were not guided to perform their tasks properly. In addition, the employees of Kaiser who worked on the project were overworked. Employees lacked proper directions to perform their tasks. The organization was ill prepared for doing the transplants in-house.The purpose of in-house transplants was not communicated to employees, there was inadequate structure, relationship and responsibility were ill defined, there is no evidence that any persons would be rewarded if the in-house kidney transplant project was successful and there was little leadership involvement in the project. The organization factors were that the company had not assessed properly the manpower requirement for transferring outside kidney transplants to in-house facility. There was inadequate organization to handle the increased responsibilities.The organization structure required to support the project was missing. The involvement of the top executives was minimal and they did not put in place systems to make successful the transition. It appears that the information systems used in the kidney transplant process was not developed properly. There was lack of system analysis, system design, testing, and maintenance of the system. This led to the use of paper based records, no system in place for data transfer to electronic sy stem, no process for responding to patient complaints or requests, and inaccurate records.There was a shortage of IT professions to support the databases that were required for the program. There was no arrangement made to transfer the waiting lists at other hospitals to Kaiser. >>> †¢Ada sedikit komunikasi dari manajemen kepada karyawan, †¢karyawan tidak ditata dengan benar. †¢Tidak ada kepemimpinan yang diberikan kepada proyek dan tidak ada alat yang menjadi ukuran untuk memotivasi karyawan. †¢Masalah umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan tidak dilatih. †¢Tidak memiliki pengalaman, †¢dan tidak mendapat petunjuk untuk melakukan tugas mereka dengan benar. karyawan yang bekerja pada proyek itu terlalu banyak bekerja. †¢Karyawan tidak memiliki arah yang tepat untuk melakukan tugas mereka. †¢Organisasi ini tidak siap untuk melakukan transplantasi di rumah. †¢Tujuan transplantasi di-rumah tidak disampaikan kepada karyawan, ada struktur hubungan, tida k memadai dan tanggung jawab yang tidak jelas, †¢tidak ada bukti bahwa setiap orang akan diberi imbalan jika di-rumah proyek transplantasi ginjal berhasil dan keterlibatan kepemimpinan sedikit dalam proyek. Faktor-faktor organisasi adalah bahwa perusahaan tidak dinilai benar kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk mentransfer transplantasi ginjal luar untuk di-rumah fasilitas. †¢Organisasi tidak memadai untuk menangani tanggung jawab yang meningkat. Struktur organisasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung proyek ini hilang. Keterlibatan eksekutif puncak sangat minim dan mereka tidak dimasukkan ke dalam sistem untuk membuat transisi sukses. Tampaknya sistem informasi yang digunakan dalam proses transplantasi ginjal tidak dikembangkan dengan baik.Ada kurangnya analisis sistem, desain sistem, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan penggunaan catatan berbasis kertas, tidak ada sistem di tempat untuk transfer data ke sistem elektronik, tidak ada proses untuk menanggapi keluhan pasien atau permintaan, dan catatan akurat. Ada kekurangan profesi TI untuk mendukung database yang dibutuhkan untuk program tersebut. Ada yang tidak ada pengaturan dibuat untuk mentransfer daftar tunggu di rumah sakit lain untuk Kaiser. 3. What steps would you have taken to increase the project's chances for success?I would have first selected the employees who would be responsible for the different stages of the project. Their qualification and experience would be examined and required training would be provided to them. They would be given training necessary for records transfer, digitalization of records, transplant information transfer, compliance with the relevant laws, and implementation of the in-house transplant. There would be a properly organized department that would supervise in-house transplantation and would be responsible for the change. Further, I would develop a new information system for in-house kidney transplant.There would be proper planning for the informatio n system there would be requirements definition, systems design, implementation, integration and testing, acceptance, installation and deployment, and provision for maintenance of the system. I would get support of this project from the top management by way of adequate budget, and resources for the project. The reason is that without adequate support from the top management it is not possible to successfully implement such a project. I would have used all the project planning tools to make this project successful. gt;;; †¢Pemilihan karyawan dan staff yang akan bertanggung jawab untuk berbagai tahap proyek. †¢Pemeriksaan kualifikasi dan pengalaman serta pemberian dan pelatihan yang diperlukan. †¢Pemberian pelatihan yang diperlukan untuk transfer catatan, digitalisasi catatan, transfer transplantasi informasi, sesuai dengan hukum yang relevan, dan pelaksanaan in-house transplantation. †¢Pembentukan departemen yang mengatur dan monitoring (seperti quality assurance atau yang sejenis) yang akan mengawasi pelaksanaan in-house transplantation dan akan bertanggung jawab untuk perubahan. Pengembangan sistem informasi baru untuk in-house transplantation ginjal. †¢Perencanaan yang tepat untuk sistem informasi akan ada persyaratan definisi, sistem desain, implementasi, integrasi dan pengujian, penerimaan, instalasi dan penyebaran, dan penyediaan untuk pemeliharaan sistem. †¢Dukungan proyek dari manajemen puncak dengan cara anggaran yang memadai, dan sumber daya untuk proyek tersebut, karena tanpa dukungan yang memadai dari manajemen puncak tidak mungkin untuk berhasil melaksanakan proyek tersebut. †¢Penggunaan semua alat perencanaan proyek untuk membuat proyek ini sukses. . Were there any ethical problems created by this failed project? Explain your answer. Yes. There are several ethical problems created by this failed project. The kidney transfer program was implemented without having resources to treat the patients. From the perspect ive of deontological ethics, Kaiser has the duty to treat all the patients that have been transferred in-house. In addition, if Kaiser does not have the capacity to treat all the patients quickly so as to save their lives, Kaiser should not have transferred the patients for in-house treatment.Disregarding the patients' waiting time in other hospitals and dropping patients who had waited to the bottom of the list are not ethical. From a virtue ethics perspective these not acts of good character. Incorrect and incomplete medical records leading to the death of patients is not morally acceptable. Normally, an information system error would not be considered to be immoral but in a case where such errors can lead to the death of a person, such error would be immoral. >>> Ya. Ada beberapa masalah etika yang diciptakan oleh proyek ini gagal. Program transfer ginjal dilaksanakan tanpa sumber daya untuk mengobati pasien. †¢Dari perspektif etika deontologis, Kaiser bertugas untuk mengoba ti semua pasien yang telah dialihkan di rumah. †¢Selain itu, jika Kaiser tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengobati semua pasien dengan cepat sehingga untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka, Kaiser seharusnya tidak mengalihkan pasien untuk di-rumah perawatan. †¢Mengabaikan waktu pasien menunggu di rumah sakit lain dan menjatuhkan pasien yang telah menunggu untuk bagian bawah daftar tersebut tidak etis. Dari perspektif etika moralitas ini tidak bertindak berkelakuan baik. Catatan medis tidak benar dan tidak lengkap menyebabkan kematian pasien tidak dapat diterima secara moral. Biasanya, kesalahan sistem informasi tidak akan dianggap sebagai amoral tetapi dalam kasus di mana kesalahan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kematian seseorang, kesalahan tersebut akan menjadi tidak bermoral. References: Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project www. wisegeek. com/what-is-business-ethics. htm http://trade. gov/goodgovernance/adobe/bem_manual. pdf www. trivology. com/articles/4 93/what-are-business-ethics. html www. auditservices. com/itsysdev. html

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Thesis story

Being smart on handling one’s money is one of the fundamental ways how to become rich. The fact that money, no matter how much it is, can flee from our hands even in just mere seconds is a thing to keep in mind. So we should learn how to save and invest our money in a trust-worthy institution with good facility with a service admirable in regards to its quality. Banking is indispensable in the modern world as it connects savers and borrowers. If you are a â€Å"saver†, where would you save your treasures efficiently?Saving it on a chest or a vault is bold stupidity. Banks pay you interest because they loan your money to those who have ideas to use it. This is where â€Å"borrowers† enter. Banks do charge them interest but they will have money for innovative business ideas, providing jobs for people, and stimulating the economy. If you are a consumer, you can use banknotes as a medium of exchange. Remember, without banks, there would be no money for The Bangko Sen tral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) is a bank as well who produces money for the nation.Banks are  financial institution  and a  financial intermediary  that accepts  deposits  and channels those deposits into  lending  activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through  capital markets. A bank is the connection between customers that have capital deficits and customers with capital surpluses. In other words, it is the middleman to those who are in need and to those who can give. There are two forms of banking institutions. A banking institution can either be a Government or Private banking Institution.The difference between the two is A Government bank is a bank where the Government has a minimum 51% or more stakes in that bank. A Private bank is a bank where the Government does not have any stake. But, both types of banks have to follow the same laws applicable to them. In either way, a bank no matter what form it is, will always make sure that our savings earn int erests and make the money they have in their hands rotate on the economy to provide financial growth. Statement of the Problem This study aims to assess the pproduactivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction of selected banking institution in Metro Manila.Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1. 0 What is the profile of the participants in terms of the following variable; 2. 1 Name of the bank 2. 2 Campaign Advertisement 2. 3 Vision 2. 4 Mission 2. 5 Foundation 2. 6 Number of Branches 2. 7 Subsidiaries and Affiliates 2. 8 Number of Employees 2. 0 What are the things involve in the production of each respondents in terms of: 2. 1 Organizational Chart 2. 2 Management Plans and Principles 2. 3 Product and Services 3. 0 What is the status of the respondents with regards to the profitability of the institution under two conditions: 3. 1 Financial Statement Prior Year . 2 Financial Statement Current Year 4. 0 What is the standing of satisfaction of customers in the resp ondents’ way of production in terms of: 4. 1 Security of the customers’ deposits 4. 2 Interest return offered 4. 3 Effectiveness of respondents’ products and services 4. 4 Service Comfortability 4. 5 Affordability of Interest payable in loans 5. 0 Is there any significant relationship between profitability, pproduactivity, and customer satisfaction when the respondents are group according to their profile? Hypothesis There’s not much of any difference between the operations of a government and a privately owned bank.The factors that affect the iinvestors to choose are the offers, location, and services. Significance of the Study The purpose of this study is to provide information and answer the stated problems to help those who are in need if they will be investing. Through this study the future readers may find out what are the factors to consider when putting their investment in the line. This study conducted can be help in any of the readers: Iinvestor s / Potential Iinvestors – To identify and be aware how to invest their money and feel safe and lessen the risk about the decisions they will make.Job Seekers – be able to know where to file their application and put their talents and skills in full potential. Future Seekers – This study will serve as guide for future researchers who will conduct a study with about this topic. Further research should be made regarding this topic. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study was conducted to know the status of pproduactivity, profitability and customer satisfaction of selected banking institution in Metro Manila. The researchers focused on three banking institution which are MetroBank of Metropolitan Bank, Bank of the Philippine Islands and Landbank of the Philippines.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Constructivism The Self according to George Mead, Lev Vygotsky Margaret Donaldson and Richard Stevens essays

Social Constructivism The Self according to George Mead, Lev Vygotsky Margaret Donaldson and Richard Stevens essays In the interactionist tradition, humans are seen as constantly and dynamically changing and giving meanings to their social realities. As people interact with one another, the process of giving meanings to activities conducted is inevitable, thereby resulting to new constructs' that alters or modifies the individual's social reality. Indeed, in the social construction of reality, "our meanings and understandings arise from our communication with others, a notion of reality deeply embedded in sociological thought" (Littlejohn, 1998:175). Furthermore, in the social construction of reality, the individual, or the self, knowledge obtained is considered a "social product" and is understood in the context in which this knowledge or reality is experienced. Studies on the phenomenon of the social construction of the self has become rampant, and has produced theories that explain in various dimensions how the concept of the "self" is constructed by the individual, as influenced by his/her social environment. These theorists and social scientists are George Herbert Mead, Lev Vygostky, Margaret Donaldson, and Richard Stevens. Knowledge as a social product is the common premise subsisted to by these theorists, but they differ in the perspective and approach that they use in explaining the construction of the self.' For Lev Vygotsky and Margaret Donaldson, the cognitive development of an individual is vital in explaining how the self' is constructed by an individual. Lev Vygotsky, a social psychologist, posited that higher cognitive processes are products of social development, manifested through linguistic development. In using the term, "cognitive processes," Vygotsky is referring to the process of thinking within individuals from a highly concrete to abstract level. Upon the development of these levels of thinking, an individual goes through the process of "...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica

Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica The Olmec civilization thrived along Mexicos gulf coast from approximately 1200-400 B.C. and is considered the parent culture of many of the important Mesoamerican cultures that came after, including the Aztec and Maya. From their great cities, San Lorenzo and La Venta, Olmec traders spread their culture far and wide and eventually built a large network through Mesoamerica. Although many aspects of Olmec culture have been lost to time, what little is known about them is very important because their influence was so great. Olmec Trade and Commerce Before the dawn of the Olmec civilization, trade in Mesoamerica was common. Highly desirable items like obsidian knives, animal skins, and salt were routinely traded between neighboring cultures. The Olmecs created long-distance trade routes to obtain the things they needed, eventually making contacts all the way from the valley of Mexico to Central America. Olmec traders swapped finely made Olmec celts, masks and other small pieces of art with other cultures such as the Mokaya and Tlatilco, getting jadeite, serpentine, obsidian, salt, cacao, pretty feathers and more in return. These extensive trade networks spread Olmec culture far and wide, spreading Olmec influence throughout Mesoamerica. Olmec Religion The Olmec had a well-developed religion and belief in a cosmos comprised of an underworld (represented by the Olmec fish monster), the Earth (Olmec Dragon) and skies (bird monster). They had elaborate ceremonial centers: the well-preserved Complex A at La Venta is the best example. Much of their art is based on their religion, and it is from surviving pieces of Olmec art that researchers have managed to identify no fewer than eight different Olmec gods. Many of these early Olmec gods, such as the Feathered Serpent, the maize god, and the rain god, found their way into the mythology of later civilizations such as the Maya and Aztecs. Mexican researcher and artist Miguel Covarrubias made a famous diagram of how different Mesoamerican divine images all diverged from an early Olmec source. Olmec Mythology: Apart from the religious aspects of Olmec society mentioned above, Olmec mythology seems to have caught on with other cultures as well. The Olmecs were fascinated with were-jaguars, or human-jaguar hybrids: some Olmec art has caused speculation that they believed that some human-jaguar cross-breeding had once taken place, and depictions of fierce were-jaguar babies are a staple of Olmec art. Later cultures would continue the human-jaguar obsession: one good example is the jaguar warriors of the Aztec. Also, at the El Azuzul site near San Lorenzo, a pair of extremely similar statues of young men placed with a pair of jaguar statues brings to mind the two pairs of hero twins whose adventures are narrated in the Popol Vuh, known as the Maya bible. Although there are no confirmed courts used for the famous Mesoamerican ballgame at Olmec sites, rubber balls used for the game were unearthed at El Manatà ­. Olmec Art: Artistically speaking, the Olmec were far ahead of their time: their art shows a skill and aesthetic sense far greater than that of contemporary civilizations. The Olmec produced celts, cave paintings, statues, wooden busts, statues, figurines, stelae and much more, but their most famous artistic legacy is doubtless the colossal heads. These giant heads, some of which stand nearly ten feet tall, are striking in their artwork and majesty. Although the colossal heads never caught on with other cultures, Olmec art was very influential on the civilizations that followed it. Olmec stelae, such as La Venta Monument 19, can be indistinguishable from Mayan art to the untrained eye. Certain subjects, such as plumed serpents, also made the transition from Olmec art to that of other societies. Engineering and Intellectual Accomplishments: The Olmec were the first great engineers of Mesoamerica. There is an aqueduct at San Lorenzo, carved out of dozens of massive stones then laid side-by side. The royal compound at La Venta shows engineering as well: the massive offerings of Complex A are complicated pits filled with stones, clay, and supporting walls, and there is a tomb there built with basalt support columns. The Olmec may have given Mesoamerica its first written language as well. Undecipherable designs on certain pieces of Olmec stonework may be early glyphs: later societies, such as the Maya, would have elaborate languages using glyphic writing and would even develop books. As the Olmec culture faded into the Epi-Olmec society seen in the Tres Zapotes site, the people developed an interest in the calendar and astronomy, two other fundamental building blocks of Mesoamerican society. Olmec Influence and Mesoamerica: Researchers who study ancient societies embrace something called the continuity hypothesis. This hypothesis posits that there has been a set of religious and cultural beliefs and norms in place in Mesoamerica that has run through all of the societies that lived there and that information from one society can often be used to fill in the gaps left in others. The Olmec society then becomes particularly important. As the parent culture - or at least one of the most important early formative cultures of the region - it had influence out of proportion with, say, its military might or prowess as a trading nation. Olmec pieces that give some information about the gods, society or have a bit of writing on them - such as the famous Las Limas Monument 1 - are particularly prized by researchers. Sources: Coe, Michael D and Rex Koontz. Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. 6th Edition. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2008 Cyphers, Ann. Surgimiento y decadencia de San Lorenzo, Veracruz. Arqueologà ­a Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). P. 30-35. Diehl, Richard A. The Olmecs: Americas First Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 2004. Grove, David C. Cerros Sagradas Olmecas. Trans. Elisa Ramirez. Arqueologà ­a Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). P. 30-35. Gonzalez Tauck, Rebecca B. El Complejo A: La Venta, Tabasco Arqueologà ­a Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). p. 49-54.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Laird Plc a Public Owned British Multinational Company Essay

Laird Plc a Public Owned British Multinational Company - Essay Example The solutions to protect the electronic devices of the users from any potential harmful Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and also safeguard from the heat that is generated during the operation of the device (Laird, 2014a; Laird, 2014d). The company leads in developing, designing and delivering innovative technologies that ensure organizations, applications, and people to stay connected effectively. Laird owns two divisions: Wireless Systems and Performance Materials. The products of Performance Material are distributed to wide markets that include Information Technology and telecom, smartphones, transportation and medical (Laird, 2014c). In this report, the international operation of the company along with competitiveness is examined by performing market and financial analysis. However, the risk associated with the company operations are also studied in order to understand the manner it combats against exchange rate, country, and political risks. The following figure highlights the financial performance of the two main divisions of Laird Plc. The financial performance is evaluated based on the revenue of the divisions over the period 2010- 2013. From the figure, it can be stated that the majority of the revenue during the four years in Laird Plc is generated from Performance Materials. This division accounts for more than half of total revenue that is incurred by the group as a whole. It is observed that the revenue from Performance material division has increased over the years due to the increase in demand for thermal management solutions, shielding materials for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and signal integrity products (SIP) (Laird, 2014c). Despite the growing revenue, the company is encountering challenge because of the highly integrated circuits related to thinner and smaller devices, which are becoming more innovative so as to protect the package devices (Laird, 2014c).